Chapter 18

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The dance had come to an end and despite rocking that performance, the girls were still bummed. Julie, Flynn and Nicole were all sat on the floor popping what was left of the balloons from the dance. Every time one popped Nicole would jump, she had always hated the noise, probably because Reggie popped one near her ear when they were 5 at her rock and roll themed birthday party. The night was still a bust, as soon as the girls had finished performing, Carrie had insulted them and invited everyone to her house. At least the new guy found a dance partner. "I can never show my face at this school again." Julie whined as she popped a balloon. Nicole nodded her head, despite not actually attending the school. Flynn let out a depressed sigh, "That's what we get for depending on boys." Nicole stood up suddenly, her arms spread out wide. "I can't believe they just ditched us! I have always been able to trust them, and then they come back it's like they are entirely new people." She pushed her blonde hair out of the way as it had fallen over her shoulders during her little rant. Julie smiled at her weakly, she put her head in her hand, sighing. "I don't know if I should be mad or worried." Nicole scoffed as she paced the floor. "Both" Julie looked at her, sending a small glare. "They're ghosts. I don't know what kind of trouble they can get into." Nicole turned to look at the girl. "Hey! I'm a ghost too y'know. I'm not causing any trouble, I'm just here to admire Robert Patterson in the Twilight films, damn I wish I was still alive then." She hung her head and played with her finger nails as she thought of the pale vampire. Flynn turned to look at Julie and Nicole sat back on the floor in front of Julie. "Imma get us some ice cream from the cafeteria, fools gave me the keys." Nicole giggled slightly. "We can crash at my place and forget about this whole nightmare." Flynn stood up from her spot on the floor, dusting herself off as she did. "Nicole, your welcome to come as well if you like." She popped a balloon before laughing and walking off. Nicole sighed and laid herself down on the floor in defeat.

"Julie, Nicole we are ready to rock this dance!" Reggie came into Nicole's view, Luke and Alex not far behind. She rolled her eyes and sat up. "Which is clearly over." The boys looked around the empty gym before looking back at the girls. "Yeah, though you would've known that, if you were here. It finished an hour ago." Luke stared Nicole straight in the eye hoping he could get through to her but her anger seemed to of clouded her judgement. Julie stood up silently and tucked her hands into her pockets, standing next to Nicole. Luke looked at them both, a guilty look on his face. "Look... we are.. so, so sorry that we bailed on you." Luke searched Nicole's eyes for any change, if they got softer but still nothing, he had really screwed up this time. Reggie stood next to Luke, playing with the zips on his leather jacket. "Yeah, I mean, the night really got away from us." Nicole looked at Alex has he spoke, he was the one she was most disappointed in, he was always the most trustworthy in the band,and when he promised something he meant it. Nicole tried so hardly not to give into Luke's puppy eyes. She wanted him to feel bad, all of them, they deserved it after what they had put her and Julie through that night. "And the twins." Nicole raised and eyebrow at Reggie and watched as Luke smacked his shoulder. Julie took a step forward, looking at Nicole before speaking. "Just please tell me it had nothing to do with you getting back at Carrie's dad." Julie wrung her hands nervously in front of her, she knew the answer, she just wanted to see if the boys were mature enough to admit it. "Pfft oh, of course not." Nicole scoffed as the boys tried playing it off. Tears stung in her eyes and she crossed her arms over her chest as if it would help the anger inside of her stay tame. "Oh my god! Do I even know you guys anymore? When did we become liars huh? When did you start breaking promises? I thought we were a band you guys, a-a family. Family don't-" She stopped herself as she bit back a sob, she wiped furiously at her eyes, she didn't want to cry, they didn't deserve her tears. Alex spoke up. "Look it was something we needed to do." Luke stepped forward looking Nicole in the eyes. "B-but we'll do whatever it takes, we'll play the next school-" Julie interrupted him, her anger finally showing through. "What? Another dance where you can bail on me and Nicole and make us look like fools? Did you know Nicole gave up one of her songs so that we could still put on a show?" Luke looked at Nicole now, his eyebrows frowned in confusion. " Yeah, Luke I gave up one of my songs, Do you know why?" She stepped closer to him, their bodies only centimetres apart. "Because you guys don't deserve out sadness, and our broken hope, you don't deserve it." Her voice came to a whisper, as her fingers poked angrily at his chest. He looked down at the blonde girl stood before him, he had really done it this time, he had hurt her, made her angry, made her sad, the old Luke wouldn't of even dreamt about it. Then again, he's not that Luke anymore, she's not that Nicole anymore.

"You know what sucks? Our songs were good, and all three of you knew what I've been through and how tough it's been for me to play, and then you do this? If it wasn't for Nicole, I don't think I would've gotten through tonight." Nicole turned her head and looked at Julie, her mouth agape, she didn't think she had that much of an impact. She gave Julie a watery smile which she returned almost instantly. "Bands don't do that to each other, friends don't do that to each other. This was a mistake." Nicole joined in with the group again, finally calming down a little. "You mean the school dance right?" Luke stepped forward, he looked desperate. "No, I mean joining a band with you guys." Nicole stared wide eyed as the girl ran out of the gym. "Nicole?" Luke's eyes were full of tears, yes it broke Nicole's heart but she couldn't let it show.

"I-I don't know anymore Luke."

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