Chapter 16

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Nicole landed in the gym. All around her were sweaty teenage bodies dancing with one another. She had never been too a school dance, no one had ever noticed her or looked in her direction unless it was to ask about Luke and Reggie. Her whole life had been a series of "Your Luke's friend right?" "You know Reggie don't you?" "Is Luke gonna be there?" "Tell Reggie I said hi!" She had gotten used to it though it had always bothered her, of course the boys were oblivious besides Alex of course. He told her that she should tell the boys but she refused not wanting them to worry about it.

Julie walked up behind her, moving her body to the music slightly before waving to Flynn who pointed backstage. Flynn walked to the edge of the stage where Nicole and Julie stood. "How are you feeling?" She spoke loudly trying to be heard over the music. "I'm a little nervous" Julie replied and Nicole smiled slightly, this was only the beginning for Julie soon she would realise there's no reason to feel nervous. "You'll be fine. All your gears backstage. Come on." Julie and Nicole followed the girl backstage. Julie placed the projector machine down before looking at her best friend. Nicole stood a few feet back not wanting to intrude. "Oh my gosh you look amazing!" Julie smiled and hugged the girl. "Thanks Nicole actually helped me pick it out and just wait until you see her, she is looking fine!" Nicole blushed slightly at her compliment, she didn't get them often. Flynn looked around, Nicole guessed for her. "Nicole's here? Are the guys here too?" Flynn brushed her hair behind her shoulder and Nicole let out a deep sigh, she hated to say it but she didn't think the boys were going to make it tonight. She tucked her hands into her jean pockets and let her eyes fall to the ground. "No, but they will be. They know how important this is to me and Luke promised Nicole." Flynn nodded. And went back to the stage to make sure the crowd didn't get bored. "Hey, they will come right?" Nicole looked up at Julie and let out a deep sigh. "I really hope so." The girls shared a glance before looking back out to the crowd.

Nicole hoped the boys would appear, they had never let her down before so why would they now? "Is everybody fired up for Julie and the Phantoms?" Flynn spoke into the microphone the crowd erupting in cheers at the name. Nicole and Julie shared an excited yet confused look. "Great! Keep that fire cause that's later. We're a bit behind schedule but don't worry, just enjoy these mind blowing beats!" Nicole had to admit that Flynn could definitely work a crowd, she had some good talent. The girl began pressing some buttons and music began playing making the crowd cheer. Flynn looked over in the direction of Julie and walked over. "Julie and the phantoms?" Flynn shrugged with a smile on her face. "I had some free time in French Class. And you'd better like it because I registered it on Insta, Snapchat, Twitter..." Flynn began naming a bunch of apps that Nicole had never heard before. Julie tried teaching her how to use a mobile phone once, Nicole didn't understand it. Julie grabbed Flynn's hands to stop her rant. "No I love it and I'm sure Nicole does too..." she turned around to look at the blonde girl. Nicole's eyes lit up and she nodded her head rapidly. "I love it! It's so cool." Julie smiled and looked back at Flynn. "But I'd love it even more if the rest of the phantoms were here." She dropped her hands from Flynn's and sighed. Flynn suddenly looked panicked and pointed her finger behind Julie. Nicole turned around and saw Nick. She didn't know the blonde boy very well but she did know that he was Carrie's boyfriend, poor guy, and that Julie had a crush on him and she was almost certain that he liked her too. "Nick!" Julie laughed awkwardly, eyes averting to Nicole who put her hands up in defence. "Don't look at me I don't know how to talk to guys." Julie subtly rolled her eyes and looked back to Nick. "Look Flynn, it's Nick." Nicole pulled a face and hid her face in her hands, maybe she wasn't as bad as she thought she was at talking to guys, Julie was definitely much worse. "Thanks for the introduction." Nick took a step forward with an awkward smile on his face. Julie seemed to act more casual now, her arms by her sides and staring straight at the boy. "So you made it." Nicole smiled, Julie wanted Nick to come. The boy turned serious, "Wouldn't miss it." Nicole made a small pouty face and held her hand over her heart, this boy was sweet. "The truth is, I can't wait to see you play again. Your song has been stuck in my head for weeks." Julie chuckled, "Well, someone should let it out." Nicole held back a laugh as she covered her mouth and she watched Julie's eyes widen. The two teenagers sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds before Julie speaks up again. "I don't know what that meant either." Despite laughing, Nicole thought that what Nick and Julie had was sweet, he was nice and a gentleman and Julie was lovely girl and they both shared feelings and the way they spoke and acted made Nicole's heart melt, well she guessed it would of if she had a heart. Nick looked down at Julie's shoes, ah distraction, smart boy. "I like your shoes." Julie kicked her foot around and looked back up at the blonde boy. "Thanks, I just like to doodle on them sometimes." She shrugged her shoulders.

With every growing minute, Nicole was getting more anxious, she was glad Julie had found a distraction even if it was for a short time. Nicole knew that Luke never broke his promises so she was hoping him and the boys would turn up eventually. Whenever Luke had promised Nicole something he always came through, she remembers in the 7th Grade, she had been the one to steal the muffins from the staff room, the teachers at school had been in a frenzy about it all day and when Nicole told Luke he promised he wouldn't tell and he never did which earned him two muffins out of the four which made him very happy. Julie and Nick stared at each other for a moment, looking at each other the way Nicole wanted someone to look at her or more specifically, Luke. Nicole turned around at the sound of footsteps. Carrie came in all her glory, fur coat and all. "I can't tell if the crowd is getting restless or bored, never a good sign." Nicole stood next to Julie with her arms crossed over her chest. "Man, if i'm ever able to touch humans again, she will be the first one I punch." Julie tried to keep a straight face and sent a playful glare towards Nicole. "Oh, hi Julie. Got a new bag?" Carrie pointed to the projector in Julie's hand. Nicole rolled her eyes, could this girl be anymore basic? Julie spoke, "Actually, it's my hologram projector. Just did a little upgrade." Julie replied with sass and if Nicole could she would high five the girl. "Oh, so simple. You know, I was expecting something a little more... sophisticated." Nicole gritted her teeth, what was this girls problem? Nicole remembered at her school, there was a girl like Carrie. Her name was Charlotte, she was rich, pretty and had all the boys falling at her feet. Nicole despised her for years and when Charlotte would, slam her locker shut, steal her lunch money, rip up her homework, shove her against walls or throw gum in her hair, Nicole just accepted it because she knew she could never compare. The boys had seen how much it affected Nicole despite her telling them otherwise, and they told her she had to stand up for herself so she didn't feel afraid anymore and after a lot of encouraging from the four boys of Sunset Curve, Nicole stood up for herself, it obviously wasn't easy but Charlotte eventually got bored of Nicole and moved onto some poor other child. Julie again, argued back. "It's what's on the inside that counts." Carrie laughed and twirled her hair around her finger. "Yeah that's what a lot of people have to tell themselves." Nicole couldn't wait for the day she could wipe the smug smile from Carrie Wilson's face. Nick looked down at his feet, obviously feeling uncomfortable and when Carrie called him he took a second to look at Julie before turning around and walking away.

Julie looked at the time on her phone and Nicole peeped over her shoulder to get a look. "15 minutes, they are 15 minutes late, that's fine, it's not too bad, right?" Nicole stopped pacing and looked at Julie waiting for an answer. Julie could see how worried the blonde girl looked and didn't want to make it worse. "Yeah, it's fine they'll show, they have to, they promised." Nicole paced again, playing with her fingers as she did. "Yeah, exactly they promised, they promised to be here on time and they're not here, Luke never breaks a promise, he can't-" The blonde was pacing faster now, her breaths uneven, she hadn't had a panic attack since the beginning of her after life, she didn't want to have one now, especially in front of Julie. Julie looked panicked herself, she knew she probably wasn't the best person to help but she knew she had to try, Nicole was her friend and though they rarely had time to themselves, she did appreciate having Nicole around. "Hey, hey! Nicole, it's alright! They'll show, they promised you and you said Luke never breaks a promise right?" Nicole nodded her head, now sat cross-legged on the floor. Julie's tone of voice was soft and gentle though you could still hear the slight waver in her voice. She had no idea if the boys would actually show, she just knew her friend needed to hear it. Nicole focused on her breathing and stared at Julie as she did so, Julie was a distraction, a good one and and a distraction was exactly what she needed right now.

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