Chapter 3

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Nicole stood next to Alex and Reggie outside of what used to be their old studio. She felt rather nostalgic standing there. The memories of her before life, flashing in her mind, reminding her it would never be that way again, that the boys she knew and the girl she was, had died all those years ago and someone new was reborn. "Oh dude, why'd you stop me? Julie needs a hug." Nicole raised her eyebrows wondering if the boy had genuinely forgotten that they were ghosts. "Bro a ghost hug, isn't the feel good moment she needs right now,  trust me." Nicole sighed sadly. "What Julie needs is a bit of privacy alright? Trust me, I'm a girl I would know." Alex wrapped his arm around Nicole's shoulder and sent her a small smile before looking back to Luke. "Y'know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when other people cry. I should know. I cried in a room for 25 years and I didn't get a single hug from either one of you!" Nicole made a pouty face and wrapped her arms around the blonde. "Aww my poor baby, you guys are so mean!"  Alex pointed a finger at her, agreeing to her previous statement. Luke looked between the two, confusion written on his face. "Ok, I think the first thing we should do, when we get the courage to go in there is ask Julie why she lied to us about playing the piano." Nicole tuned herself out from the conversation not wanting to hear the boys stupid ideas so instead, she turned to Reggie. "Hey cowboy written anymore country songs?" She smiled up at the boy as his face morphed into a massive grin. When they were kids she remembered her and Reggie playing cowboys and cowgirls and they would perform his country songs in front of their parents clad in cowboy hats way to big for their heads. "Yeah I did! But Luke doesn't like em'" His face quickly turned into a frown and Nicole shook her head and grabbed the boys hand. "Don't listen to Luke, he's being a party pooper. Our country songs are gonna be hits one day!" A dark haired girl walked past the four, sniffling. Nicole's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "Was she crying?" Nicole had the urge to go in there and try to see what was wrong with the girl but she remembered that Julie was in there and they hadn't met yet, she didn't want to frighten the girl. "Yes and the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying!" Nicole rolled her eyes at Luke's antics only now realising how stupid her best friend really was. "Luke you are such an idiot." Luke sent a playful glare her way, not wanting to send a real one and ruin their friendship before it even began, again. "We can't go in there!" When the boys had finished being dramatic, Reggie had suggested listening to the teenage girls' conversation and despite how much Nicole hated it, she joined in anyway, in front of Luke, his arms leaning on her shoulders as the 4 ghosts looked into the garage. They quickly ducked before they could be seen by, well the only human that could see them. 

Julie and her friend, Nicole had heard her name was Flynn, came out the garage, arms looped together. Reggie crouched down onto the floor, Luke lent against the garage door, a hand on his hip and legs crossed and Alex played with one of the lights. Nicole stood frozen in front of all of them. "Uh Hi I'm Nicole you must be Julie." Nicole waved her hand whilst Luke snickered behind her. She turned around, giving him a  glare that shut him up immediately. "Don't worry, we weren't listening." Reggie received a kick from Luke. "Oh hey guys." When Flynn gave her a strange look she added, "Lets hustle!" Julie waved at the 4 ghosts though making herself look crazy in front of her friend. Nicole shooed her off and Julie noticed Flynn's weird stare. When the living girls had finally disappeared, Nicole smacked each boy around the head causing them all to groan in pain. Luke rubbed his head lightly turning to the blonde girl. "Ow! What was that for?" Nicole huffed and crossed her arms over chest. "That was for forcing me into watching Julie's private conversation!" She pointed at each boy individually her face softening slightly at the sight of Luke's pouty face. Alex shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah ok, that was fair." Reggie scoffed, "Easy for you to say! She just knocked my brain cells out." Nicole grabbed the boys shoulders, "Reggie honey, there wasn't any there in the first place." He smiled at the blonde before his face scrunched up in confusion. "Wait what does that mean?" but Nicole had already poofed away. Luke stared at were her figure had been in awe. "God I have missed her." Alex gave him a weird look patting his shoulder, "Yeah okay buddy." 

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