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Matteo's pov

"benvenuto in lorenzo! un momento per favore."
Welcome to Lorenzo's! One moment please.
I could hear Aria yell from inside the kitchen.

This place really is beautiful. Everywhere you turned was a friendly face, or a plant of some sort.

"It's good Aria I got it." Vivian re assured her going around the corner.

"What can I get y'all?" Vivian asked up spreading her arms apart on the counter.

"One nothing we're just waiting on ac-" I was brutally cut off by teo cutting infront of me to talk to vivian.

"I will take a black coffee." He smiles leaning one elbow on the counter and the other keeping his balance.

Vivian give him a fake smile going over to the coffee pot. I tried my hardest to not laugh.

We went to sit down in the corner I sat at with ace yesterday.

"questo posto è bellissimo"
This place is beautiful.
Teodore says taking in the view of the bakery. A piano right next to our table, the ceiling was filled with vines and plants. Not a unpleasant face in sight.

"infatti, NO. quando mi ha portato qui per la prima volta sono rimasto sconcertato da quanto sia davvero bello questo posto."
i know right. when she first brought me here i was baffled of how beautiful this place really is.

Aria and her mother open the kitchen doors, along with Vivian being Teo's coffee. Ace and Vivian both take off their aprons helping each other.

"Hey sorry it took me a second, this place is packed today." She scoffs sliding one of the chairs. Vivian sat right next to her right across from teodore and me.

"est-il même dans notre classe de français?"
Is he even in our French class?
Vivian looks at me and Aria referring to teodore. I shake my head no.

"I came for the coffee." Teo smiles quickly taking a sip of his hard black coffee.

"I'm gonna be honest I was judging you so hard when you asked for a BLACK coffee. Ugh." We all chuckle except for teo

Me and teo have been bestfriends since forever. Some of my close friends call me teo short for Matteo. And it was always a joke between me and teodore because it's spelled the same but sounds different.

We were teo and téo. He can be... well teodore but I'm stuck with him.

"I know absolutely nothing in French. I grew up speaking Italian and I was nice enough to learn English for some of my friends. But I am not learning another." He scoffs taking another sip of his black coffee.

"So what did you say you were having trouble pronouncing." Ace looks at me in the eyes waiting for my response.

But I couldn't help but just notice her features. Her effortlessly-

My thoughts were brutally interrupted by Vivian waving her hands infront of ace.

"Erm, right sorry.. it was strawberries in French. I'm having trouble with.. the r." I try to come up with a word that I already know.

"Yea.. ok it helps me sometimes to focus on the whole word not the part that I'm having trouble with. So instead of saying des frrraises, just say it normally and fix little tweaks. Like so, des fraises."

I was so not listening to a word she just said.

"Ok.. des fraises." I say effortlessly, hoping it didn't sound too obvious I already knew how to say it.

"Did you just hit my foot?" Vivian sits straight on the back of her chair.

"That wasn't me." Teo responds taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh I know you did not just hit my foot again." Vivian kicks teodore.

"Ow! I swear it's not me!" He exclaims looking around to all of us waiting for someone to say something.

"You hit her foot mate." I say shrugging shoulders in defeat for him.

"Oi matteo when did I ask." He looks at me flicking my forehead.

"Oh my gosh you did it again! What is your problem." Vivian says.

At this point me and ace are just laughing watching this like it's a movie in a movie premiere.

"Hello darings is there anything I can get y'all today?" Aces mother comes over to the table with a note pad in her hand.

"I'm good thanks mom." Aria smiles giving her a thank you looks with her eyes.

"Could I get a refill on my coffee?" Teo asks resting his head on his hand skittering his eyes.

"Coming up!" She smiles grabbing teos coffee cup out of his hand.

"Thank you darling. Ow!" Teo jumps up to someone kicking him under the table.

"Ok ok that time was me." Ace says smirking, and high giving Vivian. I laugh along with them.

"Traitor." Teo looks at me with pure rage.

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