Chapter Six

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Amelia P.O.V

Friday,July 19

I was waiting on Blu to show, but I ended up having an intense conversation with Joesph; my ex or should I say first love at this really nice restaurant. We had been friends all through high school and thought why not date in college, we grew apart and just stayed friends. Distant friends.

It was time to catch up so I decided he could keep me company while Blu was on the way. Everything was fine we were catching up on his family and mine. I hated to hear his mom was sick, he said she had cancer and that just broke my heart. His mom and I had a good relationship she always looked at me as a daughter of her own. I made a note to go visit her. I was really having a good time catching up on things with Joesph and then he did it. He made his move and kiss me; I pulled away as in shock and confusion.

This felt wrong...entirely wrong.

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me too—you seemed—" he said in defense

"No, I'm sorry. I just thought it would feel—right." I said with my hands on his.

"Yeah, me too." He said looking embarrassed.

"Well what do we have here?" I heard a voice say approaching our table as I looked up and saw that it was Blu.

"Hey, your only twenty minutes late. Joesph here was just being a gentleman." I said looking at Blu.

Careful Amy, he is still your boss. Your incredibly hot, dark, tall and handsome boss who you wanna fuck whenever y'all get a chance too.

Easy girl... that's a taken man

"Wondering what happened to that same gentleman that was drunkenly pulling her hair trying to take advantage of her and the bar a few days ago, that's you right, Joesph." He said now looking at him

"Oh, down boy. There was a lot of things that went on that night that shouldn't have happened." I said as I sipped my Long Island

"Really?" Blu said looking at me as his palms rested on the table and he nodded in agreement

"Touché, babes" he said and felt this warmth of heat filled my cheeks. I was blushing, we're we literally bantering like a real couple?

"Yea," I said looking confused.

"I asked you did you want to go out for dinner and did come twenty minutes later without warning, but I'm here now and Joseph..." He said staring at me.

"I'm in your seat, well don't let me ruin the rest of your evening. You be safe Amy." Joesph said to me and walks away from us. Blu sits down and continue to stares at me intensely, but I stood my ground. I'm the single one, I may speak to whoever with out consequence, Blu on the other hand

"So how's your wife?" I asked him and he almost looked a taken back

"Cute. Monica is my fiancé, but you knew that. Let's not get too dirty tonight" he said to me and I started to feel my blood boil

"No, Blu. Let's get into the details now, I'm not going to be your whore. I know what type your family is into, the secrets, the lies, the infidelities. I know who your brother is, he's dating my sister and married to his wife. If I'm going to be with you. I want to be with you fully! Those are my terms." I said to him honestly. To clear the silence our waiter came with the wine book and menus

"We'll have two glasses of your Chateau 1947 and two house salads with your seafood platter to start." He told the waiter

"Yes sir, and sir, we only have Chateau Cheval Blanc 1947 by the bottle sir, and the bottle is $13,000." The waiter explained

"Then we'll have the bottle." He said to the waiter

"Right away, sir." He said a dines off

"So tell me." He said to me, I raised my eyebrow in confusion

"I'm sorry?" I asked him

"Tell me about Joesph. I want to know everything."

"There really isn't much of a tell. Joesph and I went to high school and became friends, we raised money for tuition at Brooklyn College all senior year and dated when started our freshman year of college, we only slept together once. After that he decided that he wanted to do other things explore with different people and I just wanted to stay in New York so I did and we remained friends. That's it" I told him

"So that kiss was just completely innocent?" He asked me.

Fuck! He saw that? Did he hear our conversation too?!

"Again something that we tried and realized it wasn't right...definitely wasn't how you kissed me either." I said to him. Moments later our waiter rushed back with our salads and bottled wine. He pours the glasses a quarter full and Blu orders our main courses

I drank my glass. Then poured my glass half full, tonight was going to be full of surprises and I didn't want to remember them

"Slow down, baby. I haven't finished analyzing you yet" he said

"More like interrogating..." I blurted

"You find me that intimidating?" He asked amused and I nodded shyly

"Would you believe me if I said that felt the same way your feeling now?" He asked and I nodded

"Maybe that's why you got me in this dark restaurant and this back table in the corner..." I said to him and he sighs

"This is going to continue to be a problem for you, I just want you to know that you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. You could walk out of this restaurant right now, and there would be no hard feelings" he said to me and I shook my head no

"We both know that's not going to happen. I've obviously fallen for you" I said to him

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