Chapter Thirteen

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*Blu Jay's P.O.V.*
After the visit to see my father, we found out the other businesses he was involved with, lot of counterfeit products, money laundering, and insider trading; my father was double sided. He worked with the bad guys and the other bad guys, good thing that the cops are on his payroll.

"So now what do you wanna do?" My dad asked as he breathed through his oxygen mask

"Mother wants us to take over." Ben told him and he sighed. This was impeccable, father was lucid for nearly four days now. Probably not enough for chairman but his brilliant mind is still there for us to retain our family business

"Accept it. Listen to your mother, boys..." He said

"When's the wedding?" He asked Ben.

"Oh, no dad... Blu is getting married this time, I just finalized my divorce." Ben explains and Dad looked very confused

"Blu you're getting married?" He asked me

"Yeah, dad to Desrea's daughter; Monica. Remember the girl I met in College" I said to him

"You graduated from Princeton?" He asked me.

"Dad like seven years behind. When I married Lauren while she was in high school and you started college...he might need to rest" Ben said as he pressed the nurse button on the hospital bed. We soon exited the room when the nurse aide attended his care, my phone was ringing once again this time it was Bianca

"Yes." I answered. Benjamin and I casually walked out of the hospital and waited for valet to bring the truck around. Meanwhile I placed Bianca on speaker

"How fucking dare the two of you leave me to do all the paperwork meanwhile you two bastards are having some gay ass bonding with my disabled sick father without his baby girl!" She spat at the both of us over the speaker phone

"Bianca there's no time for dramatics...we needed some more information about what it is that we're going to be taking over in the next year!" Ben said to her as he grabbed my phone from my hand

"Nigga!" I protested. The valet passes me the keys and we quickly got in my dark blue limited edition Jeep Wagonner

"What are you talking about taking over?" She said curiously, her voice carried the entire truck as she was now connected to my Apple CarPlay

"Look mom got the court to declare dad incompetent. So all the assets are in her hands. She doesn't want the attention so she wants us to handle them." I told her

"Don't mind me... I'm just a fucking attorney! Who knows all of 210 Harvard Law books and articles." She got defensive

"You too got damn sensitive! Especially about Dad, he's lucid sometimes but he's still not in the best of condition for you not to get all teary eyed" Benjamin said to her

"Excuse me for showing emotion for my very  ill father..." she said

"Bebe, you need to look closely into father's business files. Look for accomplices, enemies, we need insight on what type of information everyone know" I told her and she hung up the phone

"Okay so she's gonna use her law degree to figure out what else we got ourselves into...what should we do? The unlawful act?" I asked my brother sarcastically

"Why do you joke at a time like this? Yes, we're going to do very unlawful things, might kill a couple niggas too. You got plans with your mistress?" He asked

"Do you?" I asked him

" wanna tampon for that pussy. If you wanna tap on that instead of protecting our family legacy that's on you" he said

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