Chapter Twelve

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*Blu Jay's P.O.V.*

Monday,August 7
"So how old is Becky with the good hair?" Monica asked me as she stood by the door of my home office. Well that was quick, we might as well get this the fuck over with

"She's twenty two years old. She goes to Brooklyn Community College and she works at my downtown office as a intern" I said giving her just enough information

"I assume that's how you met her, the barracuda, she was there for an interview as you were undressing her with your eyes...and really Blu? A community college student?" She said angrily and a bit judgmental about Amy

"You have no right to judge me, Monica. If I didn't take you back, you'd be teaching at a community college in New Jersey. Besides why do you even care? I thought all you wanted was a perfect wedding..."

"Are you fucking kidding, Blu!? I just wanted to be with you. If I wanted to be married for the fuck of it, I would have stayed with Ronald! He proposed to me the very same night we've slept together." She confessed. Well I see where her loyalty stands now

"You know you ruined us forever. If you were going to be with me anyways why would you even cheat? Especially with my friend...why? I never asked you that?" I asked her

"Attention,maybe—I don't have a good excuse that'll make this better. I was selfish and vulnerable. Ronald was just there, maybe he had an ulterior motive but I didn't. It was truly an accident" she said to me. I sighed in annoyance, but now I understand that it was the truth

"Then you out of all people should know that my affair with Amilea has nothing to do with you." I told her honestly

"Yeah, I guess I was afraid of that fact. Because if it did then that would mean you cared more about me than being with her..." she said understandably. She turns herself around and exits my study closing the door behind her

That was too easy, I think this conversation isn't over. An email notification displayed across my MAC desktop monitor, it was a note from Sidney

Good morning Mr. Jay, I understand since you're working from home that I will be forwarding your calls. Just a little reminder that you have a meeting with the board tomorrow morning it's about who's gonna take your father's place.

My father? I dialed my mother's contact on the iPad and waited for her to answer

"Good morning Blu" she answered

"Why am I just now hearing about the board's arrival?" I asked her bluntly

"I've tried to call you, but you had your tired ass secretary screen all of my calls while you bang your mistress in South Beach" she said sarcastically. I sighed deeply, fuck! The last fucking thing I need is her opinion on my love life

"Mother, not the subject." I told her

"It most certainly is the subject, Blu Jay... I don't know why your so surprised, you and Benjamin have been running BLOC Inc. for years now. It's about time for new management, now since the court and the bank granted my petition to declare your father incompetent I have control over all of his assets and finances."

"Mom you're talking about over twenty five years of different type of money...Daddy wasn't a good man, what is it are you trying to do?" I asked her

"What the hell do you think? You boys are either going to take this shit off my hands and pay me in cash or I'll fine someone else to run the business" she said simply and hung up the phone

"Hello? mom! Mom! Fuck!" I sighed. I called Benjamin right away and of course it went straight to voicemail, I call him again and my call was interrupted when I was getting a incoming call from Amy

Fuck! What time is it? Shit! I was supposed to meet her for Brunch forty minutes ago. I got Marco to get the car, I grabbed my jacket and my phone and left the house

"Hello? Baby?" I answered and she scoffed

"No, no, I have to study for a test and I have a essay that's due at 11:59PM tonight." She ranted

"I know. I'm sorry, I'm on my way now..." I told her

"I'm so confused Blu, you say that you want me but you're always late or got me waiting. Was this because of her?" She asked

"What? No, I'm not even thinking about her. I had to talk to my mom about something important" I told her

"Jeez, is everything okay?" She asked concerned

"Yeah, it's just work related...more work then I can handle right now" I told her and she chuckled

"What's so funny?" I asked smugly

"You overwhelmed, it's weird to hear you kinda vulnerable. It's oddly satisfying to know that even people like you have problems..." she explained

"And what does that mean, Miss Jackson? People like me?" I asked her

"Rich people..." she said

"Ouch..." I said jokingly.

"I guess this is until next time, Mr. Jay?" She asked breaking the brief silence

"Can I see you tonight?" I asked her

"Can you?" She asked sarcastically

"Tonight, 8:00. Pack a bag" I told her then I hung up the phone. On cue Benjamin calls me back

"Ben! You're not going to believe this bullshit... Mom called a board meeting tomorrow morning, she got the bank to declare dad incompetent and now gained control over everything. She wants us to step up and pay her motherly compensation or she's sell" I said to him

"Good morning, Ben. How you'd sleep? Hey did you know that mom was selling the family business?" He said on the line with his groggy tone

"Benjamin!" I shouted

"She's only going to sell if we don't step up. We've been in charge for seven years now. What's the difference?" He said

"With the intention that dad would come back tell us who it is exactly that we're dealing with. We were in the middle of a multi million dollar deal with the Italian mafia when dad stroked out and barely made it out alive when things ended differently" I told him

"Don't you think I know this Blu, damn! Come on, if we don't no nothing we know dad wasn't stupid enough just let his companies go to shit. Maybe there's something in his study at mom's, or maybe..."

"Hell nah. I'm not going to Vegas" I told him

"It could be there...ooh wee! I got connections at like five hotels on the strip, I was fucking with this one chick who was the hotel manager at The Venetian, I paid for her titties"

"Ben! We are not going to Vegas." I told him

"Why'd you call me if you got a plan, stupid? Why ruin my morning?" He asked annoyed

"As much as I would love to have some insight on dad's past 'contributions' we have to focus on what we're going to tell the board"

"I have a better idea. Why don't we just ask the man himself, I've been getting updates from the nurse and dad's been lucid for almost seventy two hours now" he said

"How soon can you be ready?" I asked him

"Give me two hours, I was actually with someone when you called" he said

"Yeah sure you were. As long as it wasn't my girlfriend's sister" I told him

"Ohh we're using labels now, how Hue Hefner of you" he said then ended the call.

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