Chapter Ten

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*Veronica's P.O.V.*

Thursday, August 3

"Monica—Monica where are you! what's going on!?" I said looking around the bedroom of my son's house. His things were everywhere, picture frames were broken, and clothes were scattered throughout the room. She was sitting on the balcony with her mascara smeared eyes full of tears starring up at me. I knew this was something serious.

"He's cheating on me..." She said barely above a whisper. I was shocked I could barely believe my ears. Wow! Did everything I tell that boy go in one ear and out the other. I mean what the fuck is wrong with the Jay Men in the family. Does it say infidelity somewhere in the marriage license clause that I didn't read.

"How do you know this?" I asked as I kneeled down beside my daughter in law.

"All week I was worried about him you know when I called Ben and asked him did he know where Blu was and he said he was with Bianca. I then called Bianca but she didn't answer. Then I got a call from Bianca and I overheard them speak about a Amy girl and him going to Miami and then the phone hung up." She said as tears flooded from her eyes. I didn't know what to say all I could do was hug her.

"So you haven't heard from him?"

"No, I have been calling him over and over again he turned his phone off." I was heated I couldn't believe Blu was treating Monica this way. The Blu I knew would never do anything like this I knew it had to be more to the story this couldn't be true.

"Look I'm about to run you some bath water and we are going to see the wedding planner and go to the bridal shop just like we planned ok?"

"Okay" She said as I stood up and went into the bathroom. I ran her some bath water, and then went back in the room and into their closet where I picked her out something to wear.

"Here," I said handing her, her clothes as she made her way into the bathroom.

"I'm going downstairs just come down when you're ready and if you need anything just call me." I said

"Ok thanks Mrs. Jay." she said as she closed the door. I then made my way down the steps into the living room. I took out my phone and dialed Ben's number, he answered on the first ring.

"So how long has Blu been fucking Amy?" I asked with anger in my voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm perplexed. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Cut the shit! I'm your mother! You two talk about everything and  Bianca always seem to find out so don't make me ask her."

"Maybe you should call Blu and ask him. In a very important meeting right now, money needs to be made" He said then hung up

I started to tap my foot against the floor as I was becoming more impatient with Ben by the second.

"Ben!—fucking asshole"

*Benjamin's P.O.V*

I told Blu this would happen, the cat was officially out the bag.

"Stupid ass nigga" I said to myself as I dialed Blu's number waiting for him to answer.

"Yes, Benjamin" He said

"Where the hell are you?"

"We're still in the air for another thirty four minutes"

"What's up is Mother calling me pissed off and trying to find out who Amy is, Mon-Mon knows." I told him

"Huh... I see" he said

"Okay Mr. Cool calm and collective" I said sarcastically

"Yes. I am. It's covered."

"Alright, you grown. Handle it then."

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