Chapter Nine

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*Alaya's P.O.V.*

I brushed out my long dark brown straighten out hair by the sections, carefully not sure to tangle my skill press in the comb. It was time to let my hair down, I was going out tonight. On a real date, with a man who wasn't already tied down or married, I was threw with that lifestyle. If only I learned my lesson the first time I wouldn't have to worry about this being my first actual date and switched my hair and outfit four times.

"Ugh, this skirt makes my ass look wide on the side..." I said complaining to my sister who was obviously too busy on her phone

"Yes, I'm all packed up. I'll see you in a few, bye Mr. Jay" she said giggling and blushing

"Awe, the honeymoon phase. I'm not going too talk you're head off about going away with a married man, so I'll just say enjoy it while it lasts" I told her as I switched out into a super tight bodycon orange dress

"He is engaged, and thank you I will enjoy it. Don't you think that dress is a little too tight for a first date?" Amy asked me. I rolled my eyes and fixed my hair

"I know that it's the fifth outfit that I've put on and that Daniel is less than thirty minutes away from here. We'll just have to deal with it" I said to her as I put on my shoes

"So where are you going in the middle of midterms?" I asked her

"Miami." She said excitedly

"Oh where you two staying? At the four season?" I asked her

"And what if we were?" She asked suspiciously

"Just warning you, that's their play. He's going to wine and dine you at the hotel's restaurant and book you several spa appointments and then take you shopping and fuck you all night long. Then the trip is over and so is your Rendezvous. Until next time, next thing you know he's scheduling your trips twice a month and you two will barely have any alone time with each other because his phone will ring off the hook and his attention will be divided"

"Geez, Alaya. You always know what to say." She said to me.

"What? I did say enjoy it while it lasts" I assured her and then she just walked into the living room

"For the record, Ben did divorce his wife. She was just the one who ended up pregnant with his baby. After all you two weren't exclusive" She said and I sighed deeply

I was over Ben, I had to be over Ben. I was getting my degree in Health Administration and a full internship at Cleveland Clinic and my own house. Ben was holding me back asking me to wait for us, that once he and his wife was separated that he would be there for me. It would be just us. But three years too late, I didn't want that life with him anymore after the last time we ended things and we had ended things for good.

I gave back the condo and car. I sold whatever he had given to me and got a down payment on a four hundred thousand dollar house in Florida. I will be moving down there soon after graduation and starting my internship at the hospital. I did all of that in eleven months. What I needed Ben to do for me in those three years I did in eleven months, that's when I knew I had myself and I didn't need nor want Benjamin Scott Jay

Benjamin will live on as the best fuck I ever had. Depending on how this night goes with Daniel. The doorbell rings and Amy answers the door

"Amy if that's Danny, tell him to give me five more minutes!" I told her shouting from my bedroom

"Who's Danny?" He asked rhetorically as he leans on the door of my bedroom

"Ben?" I asked

"Ladies I'll ask again. Who. The. Fuck. is Danny?" He asked as he puts a gun to my forehead

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