Chapter Seventeen

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*Benjamin's P.O.V.*

"We have the case Jay vs Lin, in a supreme court. Both parties are in favor of discontinuing their marriage Union. Does anyone have any thoughts or concerns regarding the case?" The judge speaks

"Now, that's all said and done. The state of New York is a Equitable Distribution, by my determination I will grant all of your assets and properties between the both of you. Let's discuss the details of the settlement. Counselors do you have your opening statement?" The judge asked

"Yes you're Honor." They said in unison

"Great, will the defendant present their opening statement." The judge ruled

"Yes your honor, on behalf of my client who has invested the marriage financially and emotionally Mr.Jay would like to ask the court to motion a support modification. On the grounds that he shouldn't have to pay alimony." My lawyer said

"I'll allow it. What are Ms.Lin financial records?" The judge asked. My lawyer and her lawyer both presented our financial statements and tax returns to the judge

"You are a realtor, Ms. Lin?" The judge asked

"Yes, I am your honor." She replied

"Your honor, if you may please direct your attention towards page seven, where Mr. Jay's accountant has calculated both of the parties finances and it comes to an equal amount of income. One doesn't make more than the other, which there should be denied of spousal support and/ or alimony." My lawyer explained.

"Your honor, if I may speak freely?" Lauren asked the judge and he nodded in agreement

"I am with child and I have two daughters who aren't even in grade school yet. It would be quite difficult to support my children on one income..." she says to the judge. I almost cussed her out, but I remained calm and whispered into my lawyer's ear

"If she wants child support, I am willingly to pay but under my discretion." I whispered to my attorney

"Mr.Jay? Do you protest?" The judge asked

"Not protest, your honor... I am partially responsible for the twins and the one on the way, since I am their father. I'm not going to fight her on child support, your honor. But I would like to inform you that I too pay for their health and life insurance premiums, private school tuition fees and of course the house that my children are living in without me. So any extra money Ms. Lin feels if she needs, I would like receipts and/or the proper documentation of whatever is needed." I told the judge and Lauren looked at me like I just fucked her best friend. Meanwhile my attorney passes along the documents providing the insurance information

"Oh yeah, that's valid. Are you both paying healthcare premiums or is it just Mr. Jay?"

"No, your honor." She said

"Very well. Let's recess and court will resume in a hour. Adjourned." The judge said and we all stood and went our separate ways.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Blu's number

"Wassup? How's court?" He answered and I rolled my eyes

"The bitch is trying to get my money... she pissing me off, bruh. Delaying the process and shit" I said to him

"Well we won't leave without you if court was going to be longer than you anticipated." Bianca said in the background

"Nah I'll be there in the next hour." I told them then I hung up the phone

"The bitch is standing right behind you...." Lauren said with her arms crossed and her stomach was swollen. I can't believe myself, the last thing I wanted was to get my ex-wife pregnant

"Look, don't come for me. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in there and you still want my money." I said to her

"How else are you gonna provide for the girls? You really going to settle for joint custody? You think you can raise the twins on your own with all of the fucking around you do?!" She said . Ouch, that hurts

"Good to know you still got your nose in my business. Stop talking to Bianca about me..." I said to her as I walked passed her

"Ben!?" She called out to me and I ignored her and walked out of the courthouse.

*Amilea's P.O.V.*
Just last week Blu was talking about going away to Vegas for a week and then he delayed the trip because his sister was sick or something and then his mom called talking about his father is recovering from his stroke and now the Vegas trip is back on and our flight was supposed to leave in a hour.

That was three hours ago! I could have been at work making a bit more money then I expected next check, Blu told me to meet him here at the fucking LaGuardia International Airport with my thumbs up my ass, waiting for this nigga.

Shit! Is this how it works with him?

Shit! Alaya said she got a email notice from the landlord saying he raising the rent due to gentrification. It's 2023, Brooklyn was gentrified during the AIDS epidemic, let's not forget. Now the mothuafucker wanna raise rent extra five hundred dollars

Groceries are starting at $10 an item, thank god I don't have a car. My check wouldn't make it pass payday. I am a intern at B&H Trading Corporation, I work in the processing department. This job is paying for my tuition and is only paid salary, I barely make $3000 a week.

I could always ask Blu for some help...I'm sure he would be willing but I don't think we made it to that point yet, so imma just wait until he asks.

"Waiting on me?" A deep familiar voice said to my back side, I turned around to see Blu and his little sister Bianca standing there with multiple carry on bags in her hand and in Blu's hand

"I can see why you took three hours." I said sarcastically and we all collectively walked towards the gate

"Ben has divorce court this morning, taken him longer than expected. So he said he'll meet us there." Blu said as he continued to lead the way towards the gate, but it wasn't a gate. It was a door leading to the runway where a private jet sat with stewardess and the pilot outside to greet us with glasses of rosè champagne. We safely boarded and the pilot informed us to sit and buckle up. Moments later we were up in the air

I cuddle closely next to Blu and let him glide his right hand around my upper thigh. This was nice, some time away from the normal. Or the drama, whatever you want to call it. I'm happy for the moment and I hope Blu is too. I never want him to feel as if he chose wrong.

I know Monica is still trying to win him back, I mean it's something that I would do. Who wouldn't? That's why I think I should have sex with Blu tonight after the dinner.

*Monica's P.O.V.*
That's it... that's the last of the credenza I contributed to this house, this was supposed to be my wedding house, my forever home. With Blu, why am I trippin? Blu is just going through a phase, I've known him since college and if I didn't know anything I know that he's a drama queen. He loves attention and romance and intensity. That's what was missing with us. We were just going through the motions but at least we were happy, at least that's what I thought...

Incoming phone flashes and rings in my coat pocket. I grabbed my phone and answer the call

"Hello?" I answered

"Monica, it's Lauren..." the young lady said on the other line.

"Who is this?" I asked her

"Lauren! Ben's wife?! Seriously we attend every banquet with each other!" She said

"Ohh the bitch that called me a lousy hoe." I said to her and she laughed over the phone

"I called you a lousy housewife. But come to think of it you were a lousy hoe too..." she said

"What the fuck you want?" I asked her rudely

"I know where the boys are headed tonight, look obviously we're not trying to give up either of our lives without a fighting chance and you the only desperate bitch I know that'll fly out with me" she said genuinely as I thought about what if she was right, I rolled my eyes and gave up

"Where are they?" I asked her


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