Chapter Fifteen

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Benjamin's P.O.V.
I slept next to Alaya in our king bedroom suite at the Four Seasons Hotel. The muffled sound of constant dings had disturbed my slumber, I blindly glided my hands across the sheets in search for my phone. With no success I just got up; walked to my carry on luggage and grabbed my iPad and answered the call

"So you're not gonna come home?" Lauren asked hot and bothered. Why the fuck is she calling me at the ass crack of dawn?!

"Don't do that. Don't call me at five in the morning for this shit..." I told her. She sighs on the line and starts talking about why she did it. Something about attention and shit, I wasn't really listening, again it was five in the morning. My mother doesn't even do that.

"Ben?! Ben! Are you even listening to me?" She asked me

"No. I don't care, you no better than I am and you dead wrong to put me on alimony and child support. You work, you got savings, you got a degree. You don't need my money, you talking about wanting my attention and shit, well maybe I cheated on you because I needed your attention, I needed your support. My daddy had a stroke when you was shaking ass with your girlfriends in Cabo, and even when I told you about it you didn't even check in on me. So yeah, Lauren I fucked other girls but I needed my wife." I told her. The line was silent, why did I say that out loud? Now, she knows how vulnerable I am in the morning.

"You didn't want me, you don't want me now. Do you even want me to have this baby?" She asked me.

"Lauren we're divorced. Do what the fuck you want to do. Have it. Don't have it. It's not going to change the status of our relationship, it's just an addition to the family." I said to her

"Goodbye Benjamin." She said and then hung up the call. I sighed deeply and then took the hotel phone to call room service

"Good morning Mr.Jay, what would you like to order?" The host answered

"Wassup Jack, let me get two Eggs Benedict and whole grain toast with avocado a bottle of your most expensive champagne and some organic orange juice." I told him

"Very good Mr.Jay, we'll have it ready for you at 7am" Jack said and then hung up the phone

"Early for alcohol? Isn't it?" Alaya said behind me. Oh fuck! I forgot about her ass

"Meh, it's my usual time. You wanna start with me too?" I asked her and she playfully puts her hands up In defense

"All is forgiven over here. I stopped putting up with your nonsense." She said as she approached the living area and sits on the couch

"My nonsense? So you've made your mind up." I said to her referring to the conversation we had last night.

I picked her up early from work and took her out on a date, talked, cry, laughed and then we came back here of course I fucked her life away and now here we are.

"I chose the other guy." She said and I can't be mad at that. I strung her along for two in a half years on and off, she stood up for herself got serious about her schooling and set out to seek a legit career and now she's getting a nice house with a investment banker that what? Works for me...

"Yeah, of course. Danny boy, right?" I asked her

"Yes, it's Daniel and I would like to keep this one, Ben." She said. We not gonna talk about that time, I still got a case on it

"Nah, nah. It ain't like that at all. Imma be cool, I'm happy as long as you happy." I told her and she came over to me and gave me a hug

"I love you, Ben." She told me. I kissed her on her forehead and hugged her tightly

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