Chapter 1

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The wind was howling, strong enough to rip a house off the ground. He watches the chaos from his room which was high, very high up in the sky, in-fact the whole kingdom was up in the sky. It doesn't have an exact place permeant, just wanders off from one place to another, hidden from prying human eyes, shadowed from any species known. Some has seen it they say, mostly once or twice for seconds that even they wonder if it's true or a mere trick of light. It is only for them to see, them to live, they are the
"Children Of Ice".
Magical beings, who no human has ever heard of. They have heard of and some believe in vampires, werewolves, fair folk, heck even in warlocks and witches but Ice Children ? So cleverly hidden from the curious human they exist. They might be a mystery to mortal humans but are known by everyone else though still even for them Ice Children are no less of a mystery.
Some say that they can control any element, natural or not while some believe that they can control any being by simply making an eye contact. And so and so goes the rumors but not many know the truth.

He or rather the prince of kingdom of Kim's continued to stare at the raging storm from his window seat. He should be going out and having fun with people at this age but him being him avoids crowds as much as possible , exactly the opposite of his father who loves scandalous bright outfits and loud parties. Despite his many efforts to be hidden in shadows, he is quite popular among other kingdoms. If one were to notice him somewhere they often cries " Oh such beauty , just like your mother's ". Which has become one of the reasons why he stay inside than going out. Yes he is indeed born with stunning features like every other of his kind who are blessed with youthful immortality but his looks certainly came from his mother who had passed away from fighting " the great war" ( he finds nothing great about it) when he was only four years old. He got her doe like eyes with warm chocolate brown irises but unlike her's was , so colorless and empty. His smooth straight hair was often pushed away exposing his forehead, giving him an unapproachable distant look. The only thing that give some color to his handsome face is the pair of plush red lips that he inherited from his mother.
Despite his cold demeanor many approached him but he refused to accompany anyone much except for his best friends and younger half brother who he grew up with. All of them have gone through so much trauma ever since the war ended , the death of some of their parents, abandonment. These have effect them so much that they still suffer from it. His half brother, Min Yoongi was abandoned right after he was born by his mother who had ran away from the kingdom never to be seen again. The little baby had grown up under the care of maids and the prince who became his best friend. They had been inseparable , them and the others, their little friend group has been together helping each other.

And he is Prince Kim Seokjin of kingdom of Kim's.

       Today happened to be one of those days that his father pulls parties inviting all nobles from every kingdom to do god knows what

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       Today happened to be one of those days that his father pulls parties inviting all nobles from every kingdom to do god knows what. The carriages pulled by winged horses has been arriving throughout the evening despite the bad weather. People's laughter and music poured out of the ball room which was situated in a wayy too close to Seokjin's room much to his annoyance. He flicked his eyes towards the door from time to time, debating with himself whether or not he should leave the comfort of his room just to escape from the noises. 
The room was dark. He has been like this forever and his legs were falling asleep.  A loud laughter suddenly erupted right out side of his door and he was starting to consider to go out and the smack the people in the head.
He nearly gave upon the temptation when Jungkook, their youngest barged in followed by Taehyung.

" Hyung!"

Being the lovable brats they were, started to light up the lamps completely ignoring Seokjin's protests. Jungkook came to him and draped himself on Jin's bacl after seemingly deemed that the room is bright enough.  Taehyung too came and leaned against the window frame.

"  gguk- ah , get off hyung's back now. You're too big for this. "

Jin scolded lightly only to here Jungkook giggling in his ear. He doesn't look like he is getting off Jin's back anytime soon but he decided to let him be for now. Jungkook being the baby of the group ( a very big, muscled baby) always held a soft spot in Jin's heart.

" So are you going to come with us ?"
Taehyung asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
" where?"
Jin asked, not ready to go even if they are going to beg him to do so.
" To the party of course. " ah no , not for that , never.
" I don't know why you keep asking me Tae. You know the answer already. "
He said with a sigh.
" I was hoping that you would come today. Even y/n came today "
Taehyung said pouting. He can feel Jungkook's quiet whinnying too but he was determined not to set a foot in the ball room that night.

" No Tae. I'm sorry but no. Why don't you go and enjoy hmm? Hyung will be fine here. "

Jin said silently praying little ones to go. And Taehyung, bless his kind soul , agreed and dragged a whiny , pouty Jungkook with him

If Jin had felt bad about disappointing them, he hid it well. He is used to this by now. Ignoring unwanted emotions, ignoring the need to please others for the sake of getting accepted, even though he cared about the younger ones more than anything he still unknowingly uses these treatments on them too which often leaves him feeling guilty but tries to make it up for them by showering them with affection in his quiet, silent ways. He never meant to hurt them but parties are just too much for him to bear , even if  Min y/n is here. She is Yoongi's long distant cousin. After Yoongi's mother ran away no one from her family bothered to contact him except y/n, rhe youngest daughter of King Min  Jaehwan, of Min Kingdom. Yoongi speaks highly of her. It seems like she is a kind, unfortunate soul to be born within that kingdom for Min s are harsher than any other Kingdoms. But he never bothered to meet her neither did she. It's not they dislike each oth-

" Ouch ! "

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