Chapter 12

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        Seokjin felt the familiar tug in his mind as he summoned his sword that was resting up on his room. It was the same length as y/n's frost but the color was black. He held the sword out on his palm and watched as y/n looked at it as if she had seen something that was terrifying and beautiful  which is quite accurate. Flame gave out a similar aura  like Frost which made one want to watch but runaway at the same time. 

Flame's black sheath had thin golden lines running down it's body forming a beautiful pattern of  roses and they glowed in the afternoon light.

" Is it the same as the legends say?"

y/n asked in a hushed voice, clutching her own sword with a tight grip.

What does the legends say? That flame had disappeared from the world a long time ago? That it's a powerful weapon that was only equal to frost in both beauty and power?

He had managed to keep the blade hidden from the world as much as he could , never carrying it to any public gathering, avoid wielding it unless it was necessary. So it is no wonder that y/n knows nothing about it being his all this time. Then again, he didn't know Frost was y/n's either. She seems to have kept it in the dark this whole time as well and he can see why. After all, these swords attract too much unwanted attention.

Seokjin closed his fingers around the black hilt of flame and unsheathed it. The blade gave away under the familiar touch, revealing smooth silver surface that had roses made of fiery red crystals ebbed onto it. The blade had the words, Flame etched to it near the hilt , glowing in a odd cold-red color.

He looked away from the blade to watch y/n who was now openly gaping at the sword.

" It really is like the legends say "

She mumbled absentmindedly and all he could do was hum.

" I thought... that it was lost during the great war after... it was your mom who wielded it right?"

y/n asked cautiously. She was probably trying to not agitate him with the sensitive topic.

" Mn. It was never lost. They handed it over to me after she passed away. "

He said, sheathing flame back. " Frost was said to be lost too. If my memory serves me right, even before the war. "

y/n shrugged. " I don't know. It had been mine for as long as I remember... which isn't much by the way. I can't recall anything before I was eight. "

Now that's strange. It is true that no one knew y/n's existence until she was eight. Min s announced that they had a younger daughter and that they had been waiting for her to get well after a severe sickness that she had since birth. The announcement was very sudden and he remembered everyone being shocked when he was a child himself.

Perhaps it was due to the illness that she can't recall anything or she simply forgot with age. After all, they've been living for quite a long time and it is only natural that they forget some things. He thought it is better if he doesn't voice his thoughts.

" Your mother fought ' Spider lily ' with flame right ? "

y/n asked, dragging him out of his stupor. He nodded.

'Spider lily' , better known as 'ruby eyes' was the one who started the great war by going against all the other kingdoms to gain the power over every other living beings

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'Spider lily' , better known as 'ruby eyes' was the one who started the great war by going against all the other kingdoms to gain the power over every other living beings. She was said to be tired of hiding and wanted to dominate all of the universe. No one to this day knows of her origin. Just that she was a cold ruthless killer and a fierce, skillful fighter. It took almost a decade to bring her down. Seokjin's mother joined the fight when it was at it's peak, wielding the legendary sword, flame and cutting 'ruby eyes' down after a long gruesome fight that cost her heavy injuries that eventually lead her to her death. She died an honorable death and he is so proud of her.

y/n opened her mouth as if she's going to say something but was cut off by the voice that came behind them.

" So this is where you've run off to "

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