Chapter 11

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The day has come. It's is finally the day for the second gathering of the year. Standing near his window, Jin watched the bright afternoon sky, flooded with bright orange, pink and red as it was nearing the sunset. It seems like the sky has decided to spare them storms it loves to send on their way when they are hoisting an event and he did not know what to feel about that but he must admit that it was indeed a stunning view and he felt somewhat blessed being able to witness it.

             He was dressed in a white shirt, made of fine silk and a flimsy fabric and a matching white trouser

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He was dressed in a white shirt, made of fine silk and a flimsy fabric and a matching white trouser. the sheer fabric of his sleeves showed his long, well sculptured arms and the collar had patterns of silver leaves that shimmered in the afternoon light. It wasn't the most comfortable clothing that he owns but he must say that once he was dressed, he truly felt like the prince he is. Jin wasn't really planning on joining the party but Yoongi has insisted upon him joining for he is planning to tell him about what he and y/n been up to. He really wanted to know and help them with whatever they are working with. From what he gathered from Yoongi's brief warning, it's something very dangerous and he's not going to let Yoongi or y/n fall in to any kind of trouble.

           Excited and somewhat nervous, he stepped outside and climbed down the stairs that lead him to the main hall. It is true that he has been watching the carriages arriving and knows that there are a lot of guests but once he entered the corridor that lead to the banquet, he immediately regretted coming out of his room. Guests dressed in fanciest clothes and jewelries were scattered around, talking and laughing in loud voices, unhurried to move inside the hall. Panicking a little, he frantically tried to look for a familiar face but found none. Instead he found himself being stared at by numerous strangers who seemed to want to get his attention upon themselves. Uncomfortable with the stares he hurried backwards to the stairs but was interrupted as he bumped into a person who shrieked in alarm.

The person turned out to be the queen of the Min kingdom, y/n's mother. Dressed in an emerald green dress, face adorned with perfect amount of makeup and her hair tied up in to an appropriate, elegant hairstyle , she was truly a sight to behold. She looked a little disheveled with him bumping into her but still held herself up in a way that made Jin want to kneel down and beg for forgiveness. Instead, he settled for bowing respectfully and apologizing , careful to keep his gaze fixed on to the floor tiles. She was silent for a while and left with a sound of acknowledgement.

Deciding that it was absolutely enough socializing for the evening, he waded his way through the crowd and escaped to the nearest open space he could find, it happened to be the main garden, reserved for the guests. But at the moment he found it empty except for the young lady that was sitting on the floor, far to the edge of the ground. He recognized y/n from her black and blue hair. She was dressed in a navy blue dress that was simple and elegant at the same time, the dark fabric complimenting nicely against her pale complexion. She had some of her stubborn strands of hair held back by a silver hair ornament that glinted in the afternoon light, almost looking like it is winking at him.

She turned around as she heard the sound of his footsteps and gave him a welcoming smile, gesturing him to join her. He moved to do as she wished but froze on the spot as he took in what was resting on her lap.

" Where did you get that? "

He asked, voice thick with the sudden shock. The smile on y/n's lips died and she frowned, confused.

" Prince Jin, where did I get what?"

She asked and he felt like fainting. He wasn't sure if the reason was the object itself or the fact that she called him ' prince'.

" That sword. "

Sure enough, there was a sword resting upon her lap, cradled against her as if it's a baby not a deadly weapon ( it was sheathed, thankfully).  It's sheath was the color of a pure white swan,  with delicate designs of roses made from thin silver lines running down from the hilt to the bottom, almost invisible against the white color. The hilt itself was made from fine white jade and had thin silver vines wrapping around it. The pattern and the length of the sword was so very familiar that it took his breath away. Y/n noticed it and looked from the sword to his face before wetting her lips, nervous. Her spit slicked lips glistened in the darkening light and he momentarily allowed himself to be distracted before shifting his eyes back to the snowy sword.

" It was my mother's "

" Was?"

" Hmm. It only allow me to use it. Mother tried. Didn't go very well"

" Can I have a look?" She nodded, looking a little lost and reluctant but handed the weapon over and watched as he ran his sword calloused fingertips over the delicate silver pattern. He closed his fingers over the cold sheath and drew the sword out of it's sheath. It seems to be resisting but gave away with very little trying.

" You unsheathed it! how..."

y/n whispered, a little breathless. He was too caught up by the blade to answer her. The said blade was made of a smooth, almost translucent kind of metal that look like it's made of ice and it gave out a sort of chillness that made the air around it hiss and give out white puffs. tiny roses made of pale blue crystals were ebbed to the blade and the words " frost " were etched on to it.

" Oh so this is what 'frost' looks like."

he breathed. The blade was ... beautiful, breathtaking in a way that weapons are beautiful. It's a terrifying kind of beauty that makes him want to admire it and run away at the same time.

" You know my sword?"

He looked away from the blade when he heard her voice and returned her sword.

" Yeah... I mean I've heard of her and I wield it's twin"

y/n's eyebrows almost disappeared in to her hairline at that. It was a comical look on her normally calm and inexpressive face but he could hardly bring himself to laugh, not when they are on this particular topic. " Twin? You mean 'flame' ?"

He hummed and closed his eyes, summoning his own sword that was resting in his room.

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