Chapter 2

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" Ouch! "

A loud yelp followed by a string of cursing pulled Jin out of his thoughts. He got up from the window seat and went towards the door. Outside there was a young lady sprawled across the floor, still muttering curses apparently at her high heels. She had shoulder length raven black hair with dark blue highlights matching her her whitish blue long dress which had tiny delicate flowers in the bodice. She looked up at the sound of the door opening and widened her eyes eyes, hastily trying to get up but ended up tripping over her dress.

" I am so sorry. Did I disturbed you? "

" It's fine. "
He said, helping her up.  The girl winced when she was finally on her feet and picked up her discarded shoes from the ground.

" Can I ask you something? "
She asked, her voice like bubbling water in a silver jar.
Umm.. sure "
He said unsure of what to say.
" Is there a quiet place in here ? I mean a place where my mom can't find me ? "

Jin blinked at her. Part of him wanted to ask who her mother is but the other part urged him not to do so for it's non of his business.
" sure. Follow me. "

He said before leading her up to the top of the east tower. The girl was quick to follow, her dress fluttering behind her. He noticed that she still haven't put on her shoes but decided not to question it. After all she is another guest of his father. He meant to lead her to the balcony but the storm is still raging but the girl swept past him to the balcony before he can lead her to somewhere... less windy. The was indeed blowing at the full force, twisting and churning, pulling the girl's hair out of the clips that were holding it in it's place. The blue and black strands danced along with the wind creating ever changing patterns around her head.

" So, who are you ? "

She asked, breaking the silence between them and she couldn't help but snort out aloud.

" You should've asked that before you followed me out here. I could've kidnapped you or something. "

He pointed out. " True. " she said chuckling. " But you Didn't now did you? "

" Seokjin. My name is Kim Seokjin. "

" Ah the crown prince. Yoongi speaks a lot about you. "

She offered him a smile before turning towards the storm.
" You know him? " Jin asked. He would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised.  Yoongi isn't a type of a guy that goes around speaking about his friends with strangers. Maybe she is not a stranger, a friend ?

" Hmm... I'm y/n. Min y/n. "

Oh so she is Yoongi's cousin. This isn't the way he imagined to meet her for the first time, not that he thought about it often but still... 
" It's nice to meet you finally. "
He said, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another.  The wind was getting rougher , pulling at their clothes and he wanted to take her somewhere else that is much peaceful but y/n seemed to enjoy it and he thought better of it.
" Are those uncomfortable ? "
He asked  when the silence between them because too much. She tore her eyes away from the storm and looked at him, confused.
" The shoes " he added nervously.
" Ah them. Yes, I am not very good with heels. Sorry, does it bother you? "
She asked looking ready to put them back on.
" No no it's fine. I- I just wanted to know "
Jin stuttered, panicking. The thing is, he's not good at talking to people especially girls and he hates himself that he can't have a normal conversation like a normal person but y/n doesn't look like she's bothered at all.
" It's fine. I didn't want to be here you know.  And I have to go back now before my mom comes looking for me"
She said putting on her shoes and he hoped that he got nothing to do with that.
" Your mother, she'll look for you?"
" of course. I must go. Thank you for staying with me Jin.  I really hope that we meet again. "
She said offering him a small smile. She looked so defeated and fed up. No wonder she is, he had heard about her mother and felt quite sorry. It's only been like ten minutes he has been with her and he's already attached.
She offered him another smile and left, slightly limping while the storm raged behind him.
                                      *  *  *

" Min y/n, where have you been?  Who on earth gave you permission to disappear like that huh? The king asked of you and I looked like an idiot woman who doesn't know her daughter's whereabouts

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" Min y/n, where have you been?  Who on earth gave you permission to disappear like that huh? The king asked of you and I looked like an idiot woman who doesn't know her daughter's whereabouts. "

Lady Min hissed at y/n like a angry cat as soon as she spotted entering the ball room and she barely managed to not roll her eyes. Her mother, dressed in a bright red dress that hugged her body perfectly, looked as beautiful as ever. With Ice children's immortality and everything, she should be but that ugly twist of her lips and the frown decorating her face just ruined the look. The sight was not unfamiliar for her but still managed to hurt her slightly or so. She combed her hair before coming back and tried look presentable as possible, like the princess she should be, ' Min y/n' not the girl who wish to run home.

" I am sorry, mother. I just went to get some fresh air. "

She said, looking down, trying to look apologetic as possible despite not feeling like that at all, she was rather pleased with herself  about sneaking out without anyone noticing.
Her mother opened her mother as if she's going to scold her again but apparently thought better of it.
" Hmpf. Try to be decent. At least until we're back home. "
She huffed and disappeared among the crowd.
With a sigh y/n went to a corner, away from the crowd. The loud music and the swirling bright clothes of the dancers was giving her a headache and the smell of perfume and chattering people didn't help it at all. For a moment she wished that she had stayed a bit longer with Seokjin. She had heard a lot about him and his quiet nature was very soothing and comforting. She is not the type to get friendly with someone she just met but something about him is so very different, perhaps it's because she already knew a lot about him , perhaps it's his aura. Whatever the case she liked him and longed for his company but she's now left in too colourful world that is sugar coated with lies and stupid rules.

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