Chapter 2 The First Squad part 2

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When Hannah got home she saw that her parents weren't back yet. She looked in the kitchen and saw a note that read "Dear Kids I'm going out with your father this evening so we'll be home late. I left you all some money so you kids could order take out. Hope you all had a great day at school, Love your mother." Hannah sighed as she put the letter down and went up to her room and started on her homework.

After about an hour Hannah was all done with her homework and was now doing her chores when she heard the door open. She looked and saw that her brother and sister had just got back from their after school clubs.

"Hey Little sis, how was your day at school?" Daniel asked his little sister.

"Oh, it was ok, I guess aside from when some bullies picked on me," Hannah said in a forced flat tone.

"WHAT! WHO ARE THEY? WHY I OTTA!-" Daniel screamed before Hannah could cut him off.

"Daniel, it's ok. A girl at my school helped me and she and her friends offered to let me into their group." Hannah soothingly told her brother to calm him down.

"Oh well that's good cause if any bozo tried to hurt my little sisters I'll show them what for," Daniel said while clutching his fist.

Hannah sighed as she went back to her chore which was emptying out the trash.

"Hey big sis, where's mommy and daddy?" Lilly asked.

"They will be out for a while so they left money to order take away instead," Hannah said while pointing to the money sitting on the table.

"Ok well come-on Lilly let's get our homework done then our chores after that we can order take out," Daniel said while taking his youngest sister's hand and leading her into the living room.

Soon Hannah was done with her chores while her older brother and younger sister had started on their own. Hannah went up to her room so she wouldn't be in the way. She sat down at her desk and turned on her computer.

After a while she got bored and then remembered the necklace that old woman gave her. She remembered that on her way home she put it in her backpack and it got buried in everything while she was walking. She then got her backpack out of her wardrobe and started scrambling through it. She managed to find it and once she did, once she straightened up the items inside, she placed it back in the wardrobe. She then placed the necklace on her desk and examined it.

"Huh, strange, it looks like that the chain of this necklace is made of gold and the gem seems to be a ruby. So why didn't that old woman take this to a jeweler and trade it for money? Anyone in her position would do so," Hannah posed this question to herself.

Hmm, if only I had someone who could analyze it and see if it's real or fake, Hannah thought to herself while leaning back into her chair. Then she remembered something that the others had said about Ed.

She remembered that Jenny had told during lunch about Ed that seemed like useful information. "Ed's the smartest kid in school. He's been valedictorian for three years straight. If you ever need any help ask him he loves helping others, as long as they're grateful for it," Jenny had said.

"That's it! I can ask Ed for help if he really is that smart, then he can help me find out if this necklace is real or fake," Hannah said out loud but then realized that she didn't know where he or the others where or how to get in touch with them.

She then remembered them talking about heading off to the ice cream shop down the street from school, so she decided to see if they were still there.

"If they're not there then I'll just talk to them at school" Hannah said to herself before leaving and telling her siblings she was going out for a walk.

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