Chapter 12 The Encouragement

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The following day after everyone returned home, Ed woke up to his alarm on his phone going off. He reached over to his phone and turned the alarm off and got his glasses.

"Ed, your parents are waiting for you in the dining room," Catherine said.

"Thank you Catherine. You know I've always thought of you as a member of the family rather than my caretaker," Ed said with a smile on his face.

"I know, oh and I need to remind you that your father is having a little party and I was wondering if you would ask your friends to come along after school," Catherine said.

"Of course I'll ask them to come along. They are my friends," Ed said while rubbing his eyes.

"I know but I was also wondering if you would ask Jenny to be your date to the party?" Catherine asked.

"Umm... What do you mean by that?" Ed responded while blushing slightly.

"Ed I know that you like Jenny and not just as a friend. You like her, in other words love her," Catherine explained.

Ed didn't respond, he just looked away not wanting Catherine to see how red his face was.

"Sigh... You can't deny it, Ed you do love her. You know it, I know it. I also know she likes you back for who you are not just because of your father's position in society and your money," Catherine said encouragingly before leaving the room.

Ed sighed as it was true he did like Jenny more than a friend, they've known each other since childhood, but he was nervous about what she'd say to him. He got up from his bed and took his hair tie, then put his hair up into a ponytail leaving a bit of it loose near his face. Next he looked in the mirror and thought about telling Jenny about his feelings.

"Ugh; no, I can't ask her out. Look at yourself Ed you grow your hair long like a girl and your sense in fashion isn't any better," Ed scolded himself about another secret he had.

He went up to his wardrobe and opened it up to see both boy's and girl's clothes. Another thing Ed liked to do that he kept from his friends was that he liked to cross dress. He has always been fascinated by girl's things despite him being a boy, but when he was younger he always liked to play with both boy's and girl's toys. His parents never minded that about him, but he never had enough courage to tell anyone outside his family about his little secrets.

While he could always encourage others he could never encourage himself to tell Jenny about his crush on her or his friends that he liked crossdressing. Mark and his friends already made enough fun of him for his long hair saying that he isn't manly enough. This kinda made him insecure about his fashion choice, while his friends didn't care that he liked his hair long, he was worried about what they would say when they found out about his private habit.

"Sigh... They'll probably laugh at me. It's ridiculous after all I'll just make myself look like a fool," Ed said to himself as he grabbed one of his male clothes and went to change.

After he got his clothes on he went to the kitchen to have breakfast before leaving for school. When Ed got there he saw his mother and father sitting across from each other. His father was on a table possibly doing some work he still had and his mother was enjoying her fresh fruit bowl.

"Hey Mom hey Dad it's good to see you guys again," Ed said.

"Yeah, Ed, Asia was great, but I'd rather be here with my son and wife," Ed's father said while putting his tablet down to talk to his family.

"Yeah I bet dad, and things here have been interesting. Our school got two new students this year, Hannah and Iris," Ed said.

"Oh isn't that wonderful. And I'm guessing that they're a part of your friend group now?" Ed's mother asked.

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