Chapter 6 The Orange and Dark Blue Squads

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The next day in the shadow realm, the generals were discussing yesterday's events.

"You failed again Melaine! Our master isn't liking this one bit," Samuel lectured.

"I'm well aware of that Samuel!" Melaine retorted.

"Oh you all are making Lucifer very angry" a female voice added.

The Shadow generals looked and saw a familiar figure to them, coming into view from the darkness.

"Ah Adrienne, how have you been?" Samuel asked.

"I've been alright but no luck with finding the shards of the rainbow crystal heart." Adrienne explained, showing that she wasn't in the mood for funny business.

"Hmm, I still don't see why Lucifer would trust just you to find that crystal" Shade said.

"Well that's because Iris is even more important than the crystal as she has rainbow hair and eyes and the chances are one in 30 million." Adrienne explained.

"She's not wrong after all, rainbow hair is already rare as it is, same for the eyes, but twice as rare. They normally mean that someone has great power. Having both means that Iris possibly has unbelievable power and that means she's a threat to us and our master. So capturing her is our top priority, as well as destroying the Rainbow Squads." Samuel explained.

"Yes, however Samuel, I feel like it's your time to take a crack at this, after all you're not Lucifer's left hand man for nothing." Adrienne stated, building him up hoping he'd get results.

"Exactly, after all these two both failed twice," Samuel said while pointing at an offended Shade and Melaine.

He then got up and headed off to earth to find Iris and destroy the Rainbow Squads.

Meanwhile the squads were at the park waiting for Jenny and Ed.

"So um did you guys see that new movie?" Josh asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Um no, I didn't. My family and I went to my grandpa's place." Erick said.

"I'm just more curious about what's going on. I mean evil shadow guys, a princess they're looking for, and these" Hannah said while holding her necklace.

"Yeah, I've been thinking of this too. There are so many questions running through my head that playing my video games isn't taking my mind off it." Jake said.

"Yeah bro all of this happening to us is just so much for us to take in." Lila stated.

Just then a limo drove up to the front of the park. Then a man came out of it and to their shock when he opened the door, Ed came out of the car.

"Hey guys," he said with a smile on his face.

"What the! ED WHY ARE YOU IN A LIMO!?" Erick asked, surprised.

"Oh right, well I feel like it's time I finally tell you all. Hop in and I'll explain everything at my place" Ed said.

The group looked at each other and decided to listen to their friend and got into the limo. The group saw that inside there were candies as well as Coke and that Jenny was already in it.

"Hey guys, how are you doing today?" Jenny asked a bit weirded out by what was going on.

"Alright I guess." Hannah answered.

Once everyone was in the limbo Ed asked the driver to take them to his place. After a few minutes of driving they arrived at Ed's place and when they all saw it their jaws hit the floor. They were standing right in front of the house of the mayor of the city which was a large mansion.

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