working together

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Nobody pov

Time has passed more herbivores have died. Cherry wood school, still doesn't know , the board doesn't want them to panic like this. The festival is still going on. In fact it is on in a week. The drama club working hard day after day, non stop. Haru and hinata have been getting flower arrangements together. The meteorite celebration was going perfect. You may be asking what about lily. She a part of the festival.

Hinata pov

I'm currently looking mine and harus booth. We need something thing to Sprouse it up. The booth looks just like a pile of wood thrown together by drunken donkeys. Nobody will buy our flowers, only people who feel bad will.
I, look around for paint. I look twords the direction of the drama club. Legoshi just bought paint recently. I'll go ask if I can borrow it. I run twords the dinosaur they were building. I look up to see he was on the risers.  Crap, he can hear me from up there.

I think,and looking around, I find a ladder he used but, how am I going bring them down. I look around again. Nobody. Shit. I look back at the dinosaur, he's coming down,  I walk over to him. We'll more of a jog.

"Hey legoshi can I barrow your paint can."

He looks at the can and back at me.

"Sure you can " he said as he handed it to me. I pick it up, it actually  not that heavy. I take it over to our booth.

A couple of hours later
I got the booth painted a bold red color. It makes the green stand out. Happy with the booth stand thing I hade back to my dorm to wash up. The cold water felt nice on my short fur.

Once I got out of the shower I heard the drom room creek open,followed by footsteps. My pulse spiked up,I cover my mouth so I don't wimper. Could it be a carnivore coming to eat. I cover my self in a towel. Everything went quiet. Till the door open again. This time this has a heavier footsteps.

" I can't find her captaina dark and deep voice.

Then a lighter but distorted voice spoke," ok then it will have to wait till the festival."

The door opened again followed by a crash of stuff,then the door shut. I slowly walk out of the bathroom,scared shitless. It can't be a park can it? I look at where our beds are, Everything was trashed. It looked as if we had a frat party. I look twords legoshi bed,his little bug terrarium got broken. And his little beetle was crawling out of the cage.  Shit shit shit fuck, what am I supposed to do. I can clean the boys stuff and try an fix the jar. Crap that won't work.

I pick up the stag beetle. I look at him. Is it a him? Is it her? It doesn't matter. I'm trying not to eat him. The door opens aging I scattered to my bed,still holding onto the beetle.

The bathroom door  opens and shuts.

"Holly mother of tail what happen here" said jack.

I open the curtains and say ," I don't know I was in the bathroom showering 2 people came in and trashed the place ,I save the stag beetle of legoshi" I bring out my hand and he crawls out. I notice jack has a bag of stuff. The bathroom door opens ,out comes a semi wet legoshi.  At lease he's nice enough to but some pants on. I walk over to him and hand him the beetle. I look at legoshi his fur is tattered up like he was a blanket or worse a punching bag. I made an adiuoble gulp at looking at his scars.

"Anything the matter,hinata " said jack

His friendly voice made me respond,"yup yup everything find and dandy"

I don't know what was wrong. Or if they can sense I was scared. I turned and went to my bed.

That night
Legoshi pov

I have to finish the spinosaurs for the meteorite festival. I walk over to the statue. I just need to get the mouth down. That's when I heard the bushes rattled. I smelled the air no one was there. So I get on the giant ladder, and climb up.
I get up there and hear an elegant voice,"hi legoshi "

I look up to see it the red fox Lilly. She circles around me.

"What are you doing out so late legoshi. It's past your curfew" she said.

"You mean ours" I said. She was behind me. I was slightly bent down getting the paint brush. That when she put the clothes over my mouth. Why I do I feel tired. I'm fighting the tiredness. But it failed. That last thing I hear was from what sounded like a laugh from bill.

I wake up chained to the wall. My head still hurts. My senses are on high alert.the room was cold and gray. The walls seems like there made of medal. Where am I. Wheres hinata. She was panicking. I here the door open. Incomes a black cloaks figures.

" Where's hinata" I yelled
I can feel the anger boiling from inside me.

"You will know soon enough just plan on being hungry, legoshi" said the distorted voice

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