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Hey guys! So this is my first story that I've written and I would love to know what you guys think of it! I'm going to apologize in advance for grammar and punctuation as they are my worst nightmare come true. Please fan and most definitely comment on what you think I would love to hear opinions.


"Please Rose! Pleeeeeeeaaaase!" My best friend Abby begged dragging out the word in an annoying and pathetic voice.

"Noooooooo!" I said mimicking her. She put on a pouty face but then her eyes got an evil glint and she quickly morphed her face to the puppy dog look. Crap! She had me and she knew it. I never could say no to her when she pulled that face and she knew it. I groaned outwardly and then said,

"Fine. But you so owe me." She shrieked before I was even done responding and leapt off her couch to wrap me in a big hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just remember that you owe me." I tried to put on a serious face but her excitement was contagious so I ended up smiling instead.

"Oh, come on. Going to a party isn't that bad. Besides I'm gonna make you look so good that everyone will drop dead right then and there."

"Whatever." I say. I'm really not that much to look at I'm only 5' 4 I have a plain face and plain black hair that comes down to my waist. I'm really just an all around plain person. Oh, except for my eyes they're a weird blue-gray color. Compared to Abby though I'm a plain Jane she's 5' 8 and has the perfect body along with fiery red hair that I've always been jealous of. But she's jealous of my eyes (hers are just plain hazel) so I guess we're kind of even. After all she is my bestie so I can't complain.

"Shut up." She says wacking me on the arm. "You are gorgeous inside and out."

"Ouch! Must you always resort to violence?" I ask her rubbing my arm.

"Suck it up. Now come on." She says yanking me up the stairs to her room. " We are gonna make you look be-a-u-tiful." She drags out each syllable as I roll my eyes allowing myself to be led through the door to her room. She slams it behind us and then flips the "do not disturb" sign to the outside of her door. She takes that thing very seriously. After all she has an older brother and two younger twin sisters.

"Alright." She says rubbing her hands together and with determined look on her face. "Hair first."


"Are you almost done?" I ask not bothering to try and keep the bored tone out of my voice.

"Just one more coat." She replies layering one more coat of eyeshadow on my lid. "And...... Done! Oh my gosh Rose, you look so good!"

"You look pretty good yourself." I respond. And she does. She's wearing a pair of dark shorts that are just a little on the verge of showing too much and she's wearing a one sleeved black top with a pair of silver 3 inch heels. Her hair has been straightened and her makeup looks flawless.

"Ok you have got to check yourself out." She insists and gestures toward her full body length mirror in the corner of her room. I walk over to it and take a peek at myself. I look really good. Abby curled my hair to perfection and my make up makes my eyes pop even more than usual. I'm wearing a jean skirt that Abby forced me into and a sleeveless hot pink top that she found toward the back of her closet. There are bangles on both my arms and I'm also wearing heels, but ones that are slightly shorter and mine are black.

"Holy crap!" I exclaim, my mouth dropping open.

"I told you!" Abby squeals jumping up and down. "You look hot! In fact I would totally date you." I laugh and slap her on the arm.

"Must you always resort to violence?" She says mimicking me from earlier. I just stick my tongue out and she laughs. "Ok, come on. It's time to paaaartaaaaay!"


So that was they first chapter i know it was somewhat short but Please let me know what you thought! Ok and as for the uploading I'm one of those people that needs inspiration so please bear with me if I don't upload for a week or two. Thank you!

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