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Hey again! I have to admit I've felt pretty good about my updating. I know it's really frustrating having to wait and wanting to know what's happening next so I'm trying to update at least twice a week so I'm pretty proud of myself. Anyway if your reading this your amazing and please comment fan or vote!


I open my eyes and roll over to check the time. The clock reads 9:30 and I frown.

"That can't be right." I mutter to myself. I roll out of bed to grab my phone and check it. 9:31. I'm

surprised, I haven't woken up this early for months. I decide to go take a shower. I specifically

asked my aunt to by me a portable radio to put in the bathroom. That might sound kind of weird

but I've always listened to music in the shower and before the accident I used to sing and play the

guitar all the time. I push these thoughts out of my head as I turn the radio way up. I know it

won't bother anyone because Aunt Beth and Uncle Sam are at work and Jake is at a friends for the

day. So I crank it up as loud as I dare without completely destroying my eardrums and then hop in

the shower.

When I'm done I hop out and dress in a pair of comfy shorts and a purple tank top. I shove open

the bathroom door to let some steam out of the bathroom. Then I attempt to brush out my long,

tangled mess of hair. Fun's song "Carry On" is playing and I start to sing along.

If your lost and alone

Or your sinking like a stone

Carry on

May your past be the sound

Of your feet upon the ground

Carry on

"You should sing more often." A voice says from the doorway. I jump ten feet in the air and then

whip around to see my little cousin Jake in the doorway. I give him a wry smile.

"I haven't sang in a long time."

He frowns. I don't really want to talk about singing anymore so I jump in before he can ask why.

"Aren't you supposed to be at a friends?"

He shrugs his little seven-year-old shoulders and wrinkles his freckled nose.

"James got sick."

I assume that James is his friend and reply, "That sucks."

He nods and looks slightly depressed. Poor kid, I think to myself, his whole day of fun is ruined.

Then I get an idea. I tousle his hair and crouch down to eye level.

"How about if you and me have a movie day. You pick all the movies you want and we'll see how

many we can get through before our eyes fall out of our head."

His face lights up and he exclaims "ok!"

Then he turns and runs up the stairs to pick out some movies. I surprisingly feel a smile tugging at

my lips. I haven't smiled or watched movies in a long time and yet somehow a little seven year old

got me to do both in less than five minutes. I start up the carpeted stairs at a much slower pace

than Jake and slowly make my way to the family room where he's putting the new Spider-man

into the DVD player, the one with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, which I personally think is

way better than the old ones.

I sink down onto the leather couches that have been warmed by the summer sun. Whoops.

"I suppose you should probably be outside in the sun instead if stuck inside watching movies all day with me."

He just shrugs his shoulders again and says in a voice as if he were giving up something important. "Oh well."

This time I actually do smile but it feels foreign on my face so I stop. Jake runs out of the room

and returns with two granola bars and hands them to me.

"There for you." He says seeing my confused look. "Mom said that if I was home and you hadn't

eaten anything I needed to give you those."

"Thanks, kid."

Really the thought of eating granola bars is horrendous but I force myself to eat both of them as

Jake starts the movie.

Two granola bars and three movies later I hit pause on our current movie, Finding Nemo, and

look at Jake who turns to me with a slightly curious gaze in his glazed eyes. I feel a smile tugging

at my lips again. His brain is gonna rot out of his head, I think to myself, Beth is so gonna kill me.

Oh well.

"How about I make you some popcorn?" He jumps up and nods his head so fast I'm afraid it's

gonna fly right off his shoulders, "Yeah!"

This time the smile stays on my face as we make our way to the kitchen.

"Ok u grab the popcorn ill grab us some pop." I say as I open the fridge. He races around the

counter and flings open the cabinet which creates a loud bang. He gives me a sheepish look but I

just wave it off and continue grabbing the pops. He grabs two microwaveable bags.

"Hold on mister. I'm not eating any popcorn."

He gives me a shocked look like I had just said that Santa Claus was no longer real. I laugh and

take one of the bags from him and stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Then I realize that I

just laughed. Something I hadn't done since that party. The timer on the microwave goes off

startling me out of my thoughts. I open the door and grab the bag while Jake grabs the cokes and

we head back in to the living room. Then Jake hits play and we continue or movie marathon.


Ok there it is I hope you enjoyed! Please fan vote and comment!

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