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Hey guys! Ok chapter 11 is here and I would just like to say that if your reading this I love u! Thanks for reading! Check out the stories I've mentioned before they are awesome! Please fan comment and vote!


I wake up the next morning to find that I'm still on the couch. I blink the sleep from my eyes and look around. To my surprise Dylan is collapsed on the other couch snoring softly. I roll my eyes and stand up. I stretch my arms above my head and let out a big yawn. Dylan lets out a particularly loud snore and I snort in amusement. I wander over to him and poke him but he doesn't even move.

"Dylan. Dylan. Dylan! Wake up!"

I smack his arm harder and this time he wakes up. He blinks and looks around confused.

"I'm still here?" He asked sleepily. I roll my eyes.

"Nope this is all in your head."

"We'll in that case..." He starts to lie back down but I grab his arms forcing him to sit up.

"Oh no you don't!" I exclaim. He studies me for a second then seems to come to a conclusion.

"I'm taking you somewhere." He says all of a sudden. I look at him curiously. "Your going to come and meet my friends today."

I immediately start to protest but he just holds his hand up to ward off my comments and says, "No buts, you are coming with me. You have..."

He checks the time. It's ten thirty right now.

"You have an hour and a half to get ready then I'm taking you to Cole's house."

He stands up and walks toward the door. After putting his shoes on and opening the door he turns around and says, "Oh and he has a pool so bring a swim suit. Hour and a half don't be late."

He closes the door behind him. I stand there staring at the door for ten minutes before deciding that I'd better get ready. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't ready by the time Dylan wanted to leave he'd just come in and drag me with him against my will. I head downstairs and take a shower. Then I wander over to my closet and stare at it. What to wear? I eventually decide on a pair of jean shorts with a tie dyed tank top. Then I go back into the bathroom and French braid my hair off to one side. I don't bother putting on makeup.

I grab a locket off my dresser and secure it around my neck. It's in the shape of a heart and in it on either side are pictures of my parents. I stand their and stare at the locket. Tears start to well in my eyes but before I can start bawling my eyes out Beth is yelling that Dylan is here. I quickly swallow my sadness and run up the stairs. I say goodbye to my aunt and uncle and then slip my flip-flops on and head out to Dylan's car.

He grins a hello and then waits till I'm buckled to pull out of the driveway.

"Ok so a word of warming about my friends," he pauses and smiles at me, "they are crazy."

"Oh come on. How bad can they be?" I ask him. He just gives me a look that says, you have no idea.

Pretty soon we pull up to a small but nice looking house. I feel my stomach start to clench up and I realize that I haven't spoken to anyone my age except Dylan in months. But Dylan gives me a reassuring smile and we both get out of the car. Dylan knocks and we wait for a minute before the door is opened by a good looking guy with a hopeful expression. As soon as he sees us though his hopeful expression turns into a scowl.

"You were supposed to be the pizza! It was supposed to get here like ten minutes ago!" He exclaims in disgust. Dylan just rolls his eyes.

"Nice to see you to Cole." He pushes his way past Cole into the house and I follow. "And since your obviously dying of curiosity right now, this is Rose."

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