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Hey guys! So here's chapter two. Enjoy!


"All right. Here we go!" Abby says throwing her car into reverse and speeding out of her driveway

like a madwoman. I clutch the handle inside the car door and hang on for dear life. Really I'm

amazed that Abby's parents let her keep her license after the number of times she's been pulled

over. She lets off the gas a little and reaches to turn on the radio. All of a sudden Carrie

Underwood's song "Blown Away" is blaring through the speakers and into the car at full volume

level. I clap my hands over my ears and Abby reaches to turn down the radio.

"Whoops." She says not sounding the least bit sorry. I roll my eyes and slap her on the arm.

"Hey! No hitting the driver! You could make us end up in the ditch!"

I snort, "Trust me. You don't need my help to do that."

She smacks me back and this time I laugh. We really are a violent pair.

We pull up in Sarah's driveway. Sarah is the one who is throwing the party, and even though i

don't know her very well, these kind of parties are open invite so really anyone could show up. We

hop out and already I can hear music thumping inside the house. There are quite a few people out

on the front porch and lawn too. We wave at them as we go by and head inside.

"Whoa." Abby says in surprise. I don't blame her, the house is packed to the maximum and when I

look through the front window I can still see people walking up to the house.

"Hey ladies! What's happenin'?" Says a voice behind us.

We both turn to see one of our good guy friends heading toward us.

"What's up Mattie?" I say frowning slightly as I see he's got a beer in his hands. I really hate the

stuff. Mattie sees me frown at his beer but just ignores me and takes I giant swig.

"Oh come on Rose. It's a party, loosen up a little bit." He grabs my hand and spins me in a circle.

"No ones gonna ask you to dance when your this uptight."

I laugh and shake him off. "Alright I'll loosen up but I am definitely not drinking."

"Whatever." Mattie says setting his cup down. "Let's dance."

I turn to see if Abby wants to come but she's already dancing with a bunch of other people. I smile

at her and she grins right back. That's my friend the wild and unstoppable Abby. The life of the

party. I laugh at her and turn back to Mattie.

"Alright let's go." And we head out onto the floor with Abby and a bunch of others.

I never go to parties to drink and neither does Abby we mainly go just to hang out and dance

which is one thing we both happen to be really good at. I guess you could say we're goodie-goodies

like that since we seem to be the only 17 year olds that choose not to drink but one time last year

we had both got drunk and ended up in a car accident. Neither of us had been majorly hurt but

that was the first and last time either of us drank. Right now me and Abby were in the middle of

the floor dancing and everyone else was gathered around watching and whooping at us. I grabbed

Mattie and pulled him in with Abby to give myself a break. Mattie was a horrible dancer but was a

giant ham so he started pulling a bunch of wild and funky moves that made me bust out laughing.

The song changed and everyone pooled back out onto the floor again. I sank back into a chair still

laughing as Mattie pulled every ridiculous move he could think of.

All of a sudden my phone starts vibrating. I groan and yank it out of my purse which I had set on

the table earlier so it wouldn't get in the way of me dancing. I check the caller I.D. and am

surprised to see its my brother calling. He was supposed to be on his way back to college right

now. I had said goodbye to him earlier before I headed to Abby's house. I frown and hit the

answer button.


"Rose! Why weren't you answering? Are you ok?" I'm surprised by my brothers worry. He's

usually really calm and laid back.

"Logan what's wrong?"

"There's been an accident. Moms in the hospital. I need you to get over here as fast as you can."


Ok so there is chapter 2! Please comment or fan. I would love to hear opinions! Also check out flutegirl8 story!

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