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Hey guys thanks for reading and commenting! I want to thank horsegal_98 and flutegirl8 for introducing me to watt pad! And you should totally check out there stories; Blue Eyes and Renesmee's Future. Please vote and comment!


I stand there paralyzed looking at my phone, my hand gripping it so tightly that my knuckles turn

white. Emotions are running through me so fast i start to get dizzy. I take shallow breaths and try

to calm down but I can't. My mom is the only parent I have left. My dad died of a heart attack five

years ago and my mom has been the solid rock for me ever since then. She is the strongest person

I've ever known.


I look up and see Abby standing there. Tears start welling in my eyes and I know I'm going to start

balling my eyes out.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Abby asks wrapping one arm around me.

"We need to get to the hospital. Right now." I grab her arm and pull her up off the seat next to me

and start dragging her toward the car at a run trying to contain my tears.

"Hey girls whats the rush?" Mattie asks coming up behind us.

"My moms been in a car crash." And as I say it I burst into tears. I hear my friends gasp and all of

a sudden I feel myself being picked up and carried out to Abby's car. Mattie settles me in the

middle seat of the front and then slides in next to me. Abby pulls out onto the road faster than

she's ever done before and this time I'm thankful for it. My loud sobs have now dwindled down to

silent tears rolling down my already wet cheeks. Mattie gives me a one armed squeeze and asks if I

can tell them what happened.

"I don't even know." I say sniffling. "Logan called and told me she's been in an accident and then

he hung up after telling me to get to the hospital."

Abby lets go of the wheel with her right hand and squeezes my left hand.

"I'm sure she'll be okay Rose."

"I hope so." I reply. The rest of the way to the hospital we are silent. When we pull up to the

hospital I jump out right after Mattie. Then we all make a run for the door and then to a front

desk where a young secretary is staring at Mattie. He really is attractive but he's one of my best

friends so thinking that is just weird. The secretary now has a flirtatious look on her face and is

twisting her hair around her finger. Usually me and Abby would elbow each other and then give

each other knowing looks but the situation is far to serious to do that.

"We are looking for Jane Brighton." I say practically in hysterics.

"Mmmmm, what?" She says turning to me with a glazed look in her eyes.

"Jane Brighton!" I scream at her losing all self control I had a minute ago. "Where is she? Where

is my mother?"

Mattie actually has to grab my arm to keep me from launching over the desk and attacking the

secretary. She actually looks somewhat scared. Abby leans over the desk.

"Tell us where the frickin' room is right now." She says. The secretary starts typing rapidly on a

keyboard. "Room 342 just down that hall."

We all take off at a run. As we're rounding a corner I run into someone. I hastily try to push off of

them and continue down the hall but they grab my wrists. I whip around to see who it is and am

surprised to see its Logan. I stop fighting and throw my arms around his neck and hug him.

"What happened?" I ask pulling back. His eyes are bloodshot and it looks like he's aged five years

from the grief that's written all over his face. "Logan what happened? What happened?" I ask

growing hysterical again. Tears start to stream down his face as he says, "She's gone."

"No she's not!" I scream at him. "Where is she? Where is she?"

I punch him but he doesn't even move. I hit him over and over until he grabs my arms and all the

strength leaves my body.

"She's gone Rose. She's dead."

I scream again and then collapse to the floor, unconscious.


Ok this chapter is really depressing and short but I promise this is just a small part of the bigger picture I'm trying to get to, so please keep reading! Also don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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