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Ok now here's chapter nine. Ok honestly I don't know why I tell u the chapter it's not like u people can't read the number that is clearly printed above. In case u haven't already figured it out I'm very sleep deprived so hopefully this chapter will be ok! Anywho continuing on! Thank u so much for reading! Pls tell your friends or fans or whatever about Rose and if u follow me ill try and follow back!


I woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming through my windows. I carefully open my eyes trying not to get too blinded. I sit up and stretch my arms above my head. Then I get up and stand in front of my mirror staring absentmindedly at my reflection. What to do, what to do. I really need to find something to do so don't get bored and fat, I think to myself smirking at my own reflection. Running. Me and my mom always went running whenever we had free time. My mom had wanted to run a marathon eventually. I had run with her mostly for support, but in time I learned that running was a good time to clear your mind and just concentrate on nothing.

But she's gone now, I think to myself, and those dreams shattered right along with her. I clench my jaw as my eyes well up with tears. I clench and unclench my fists. Get a grip Rose. I stay tense until I think my emotions are under control then I relax slightly. A run it is then. I quickly pull on some neon pink sport shorts and then I grab a gray tank top, yanking it over my head. I dive into my closet and pull out my gray tennies with purple laces. Then I brush my teeth and quickly pull my hair into a loose French braid. I head up the stairs and yell to anyone who might be listening that I'm going for a run. I pause midway out the front door and turn back around and run back to grab a granola bar. I write a note of where I'm going just for good measure and then I head out the door again munching on the granola bar as I walk down the sidewalk.

When I'm done eating I break into a jog. After about two minutes my leg muscles start to protest. No that's wrong, they demanded that I slow down. So I slow to a walk clutching my side. I have that stupid needle stabbing pain in my side. I really hate that. Maybe i will just keep it to a walk today, I think wincing as my side throbs, I am way to out of shape for this.

To my disgust I'm passed by an older man jogging. But that's not what ticks me off. The guys pushing a stroller! A friggin stroller! Good grief, a forty year old man pushing a stroller is passing me! By now there's steam coming out of my ears and I force myself back into a fast paced jog ignoring the pain in my legs. I continue at this pace for ten minutes before my legs go numb. My lungs are burning but I go one more time around the block. I eventually make it back to my aunt and uncles yard where I collapse on my back in the grass. I'm panting like a dog and my skin is glistening with sweat which on some people might be attractive but add that to my panting, red face, and messy hair and you have yourself a human tornado.

After a few minutes I pull myself to my feet wincing as my tight muscles disagree. I waddle into the house and change into a swimsuit. Then I slide open the doors that lead from the basement to the backyard. I don't bother to ease into the water I just dive right in sighing in appreciation as the cool water soothes my aching legs. Much better. I flip lazily onto my back and close my eyes as I float in the deep end.

A few minutes later I'm startled out of my half-awake and half-asleep phase by water being squirted in my face. I attempt to stand up only to find I'm still in a deep end and my head goes under. I bob back up to the surface sputtering. What the-. I rub the chlorine from my eyes and open them to see Jake and Dylan collapsed on the ground howling with laughter. I angrily pull myself out if the pool and stomp in there direction.

"You!" I point at Dylan. "And you!" I point to Jake. "Are so dead!"

They both seize laughing and stand up. Dylan just rolls his eyes at me and smirks. Alright he is SO going first. I turn and run at him making a flying tackle. We both topple to the ground as my weight smacks into him and the force sends us both down. I try to wrestle the squirt gun away from him but I never really stood a chance. He weighs at least thirty pounds more than me and is ripped. It's not long before he pins my arms to the ground and is leaning over me with an evil grin. Uh-oh.

"Hey Jake! Free water shooting!"

I screech.

"No Jake! Don't do it! I- I- I'll make you ice cream for dinner! Just get this moron off me!"

Jake pauses contemplating my bargain.

"Never mind Jake. I'll just chuck her back in the pool."

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Dylan! Are you nuts? Let me go!"

He picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder like I weigh less than Jake. As we near the pool I grip onto him determined not to get thrown off. I pretty much epically fail though as it only takes him like two seconds to untangle me from his arms and tosses me back into the pool. I come back up blubbering.

"You jerk!" I glare at Dylan as he laughs at me. All of a sudden though I get an evil idea. I swim over to the edge and act like I can't get out of the pool.

"At least help me out you dummy." There are way worse words than this running through my mind but I decide to keep it pg as there is a young one in the midst. Dylan reaches out to grab my hand and as soon as his hand is trapped in mine I give a full forced yank and he stumbles into the pool with me, clothes and all. I quickly scamper out of the pool before he can resurface.

"Rose!" Dylan shouts as he wades toward the shallow end and then sloshes out of the pool. He stomps in my direction but I'm to busy laughing to care.


Ok there it is! I kind of cut it off but I should have the next chapter within a few days! Please comment fan or vote! You know the drill! And also check out the books I've mentioned before! Luv you all! Xoxo

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