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Hey guys just want to warn you that there is a bit of a time jump in this one. I need to get this story moving so I had to skip forward a bit. For those of you that hate it when that happens I'm sorry but this should be the only time I do it. Please comment and stuff!


It's been two months exactly since that day and a lot has happened since then. After we had the

funeral and buried my mother I laid in my bed for almost two weeks straight only getting up to

use the bathroom and to eat just enough to stay alive. My Aunt Beth had come to stay with me

right after the accident and so had Logan. I think they were both afraid I had gone comatose. I

had lost almost fifteen pounds and had no extra body weight at all. I couldn't even do simple

tasks, my body just wouldn't function. My brother was able to do mundane tasks like clean and

shower but he had a constant look of sadness and hollowness on his face. Sometimes when I

would get up to go to the bathroom I could hear him or my aunt crying. Me on the other hand, I

hadn't shed any tears since that day in the hospital. It was like all my emotions had just shut down

and refused to work. I constantly had a blank look on my face that I felt wouldn't ever change. I

really felt as though I couldn't show any emotion whatsoever. The two weeks went by and I then I

eventually found that I could get up and move around more but I never left the house and never

spoke unless I was spoken to.

Then my aunt informed me that she was now my new guardian and I would be going to live with

her and her husband and there little boy Jake. I had taken the news silently and started packing

all of my belongings and was moved out of the house within two days. The only person I said

goodbye to was Logan. I couldn't stand to see anymore sympathetic looks especially from Abby

and Mattie. They hadn't known what to do about me. Not that I could really blame them if I was in

there shoes I wouldn't know what to do either. So I said my one goodbye and left. It was quite easy

to move in with my aunt and uncle. They had an extra room with a bathroom connected to it.

There house was plenty big and so was there property. They had a pool out back and a three stall

garage so I was pretty well off but I still missed my own small cosy home where everything was

familiar. I had gradually unpacked in between sleeping sessions. I found that sleeping was the

only way to get away from everything around me. I started sleeping for 12-16 hours at a time. The

other 8-12 hours were spent in boredom, bathroom breaks, and dinner. Which was the only meal I

was ever awake for.

Which happened to be what I was eating right now as all these thoughts were spinning around in

my head.


I look around trying to find the source of the voice and realize its my uncle looking at me with a

concerned expression.

"What?" I ask him quietly realizing that I've been sitting here for ten minutes and haven't even

taken a bite of my food yet.

"Are you- ." He interrupts himself shaking his head. "Never mind."

He must have realized that asking me if I was okay was a really stupid question. I mean after all I

was basically an orphan so how "ok" could I really be. I take a bite of my food but the taste brings

bile to my mouth and I try not to barf all over the table as I run to the bathroom and throw up into

the toilet. It wasn't my aunts cooking or anything I just couldn't keep anything that actually has

flavor down after eating pretty much nothing for so long. I hear my aunt come up behind me and

gather my hair in her hands as I throw up into the toilet again. When I'm done I murmur a thanks

and she wraps me in a big hug. I stiffen slightly but then relax and hug her back. She rubs my back

trying to loosen up my tight muscles then walks with me to my room where I crawl into bed and

fall into a deep dreamless sleep as she shuts the door behind her.


Once again this chapter wasn't exactly a happy-go-lucky kind of chapter but its what I got so, oh well. If ur reading this ur an awesome person. Please check out horsegal_98 and flutegirl8's stories! Blue eyes and Renesmee's future! Also please comment and fan and vote!

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