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I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update but I had major writers block! It sucked! But anyway here's chapter 12 so please fan vote and comment! Also don't forget to check out the other stories I've mentioned before!

ALERT! I had to change something for the story cause I wasn't thinking when I started writing this chapter so Rose is 18 not seventeen. Not a big deal but just for you all to know!


When I wake up the next morning at 11 then decide right away to go for a run. I pull on some sport shorts and a tank top. I search my room for my iPod then I head up and tell Aunt Beth that I will be back in a bit. I grab a granola bar and eat it as I head out the door. I shove my earbuds in and crank up the volume. Demi Lovato's song "Heart-attack" blares in to my ears and I settle into an easy jog. Ten minutes into my jog I decide I'm gonna speed up and at the same time I'm messing around on my iPod trying to find a good song. All of a sudden I hit a something hard. The something lets out an oof of surprise and we both topple to the ground. I hear someone hurrying over to us and I look up and am surprised to see Dylan then I look to the right and realize I'm standing right in front of his house. He grabs my arm and yanks me up. I smile a thanks and then turn to see who I hit, it's Cole.

"Oh geez. Cole I am so sorry! I was not paying attention! Are u ok?"

He groans and pushes himself to his feet. His blond hair is tousled and he looks a little dazed.

"We've only known each other for a day and your already throwing yourself at me." He smirks as I turn pink and punch him in the arm.

"Hey!" He exclaims. "You've already given me enough bruises! How fast were u going? I feel like I got hit by a truck."

"Oh your fine, you big baby. I wasn't even going that fast. I was still building up speed."

"Sure didn't feel like it." He pouts and this time Dylan is the one who punches him.

"Man up."

I smirk at Cole who grumbles under his breath rubbing his arm.

"So what are you guys up to?" I ask them.

"Actually we were just on our way over to your house." Dylan says. "You know school starts next week right?"

Actually I had completely forgotten about school with what had all happened in the last couple months. It felt like forever since I'd been in a classroom.

"Oh, yeah." I make a disgusted face. "I'm like, so, totally excited!"

My fake excitement causes Cole to snort.

"Well anyway... Every year on the week before school we all head up to a cabin." By "we" he obviously means himself, Nat, Vi, Cole, and Cameron. "And we were coming to ask if you wanted to come with. It's obviously really short notice but I just remembered myself and I figured your aunt and uncle would be cool with it."

I'm already nodding my head in excitement.

"Yeah i'll go ask them right now!"I turn to walk away but then realize that I don't even know when we're leaving. "Umm, when are we leaving?"

This time Cole responds. "Tomorrow actually, not right away, but sometime after lunch. Me and Dylan were gonna go get all the food and stuff after we came and told you about it. We will have to take two cars. Cameron will be driving one and Dylan will be driving the other. So you can pick who you want to ride with. I'm not sure exactly what you'll need since I'm not a girl, but when I get home I'll tell Nat to go pick up Vi and they can come over and tell you. Plus Vi and Nat were planning on inviting themselves over soon anyway so..."

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