Chapter 6: Not as planned

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The bank heist had been successful. Spider man was back, still sticking his web in the business again, but using the old woman as a diversion had helped to escape with the loot. Doctor Octavius ​​or rather... Doc Ock or Octopus, as they called him now, was climbing the walls of the buildings with two bags full of money in one of his mechanical arms, heading towards his hiding place. But before continuing, he decides to stop for a moment on the roof of a building to look over his shoulders and make sure that the arachnoid or the police weren't following him.

'We are a step closer to our goal'

'We can go to the laboratory and retrieve some more material'

The two upper mechanical arms approach the Doctor's face, the right one always closed and bent and the left open while it continues to look around.

"Yes... We could... But I don't think we will find anything else"

The Doctor says to himself, thinking about what to do, putting his hands on his temples as if to concentrate. It was risky to go there after the robbery, but the materials were needed, for what was left... Then a memory comes back to him:

That time he had gone to retrieve some lab material or at least to see what was left of it, he had seen a familiar face. A face he didn't expect to see again so soon, but he was certainly happy to rest his eyes on. The Doctor puts a slight smile on his face. It was you, with a strange, almost suspicious doing, trying not to get noticed by anyone, and you were leaving the destroyed laboratory. Octavius seems bewildered by your actions... Why on earth would you have entered the laboratory? You didn't have anything in your hands but, when he thinks about it, nothing excluded the fact that you could have grabbed something and hid it in your backpack.

'Seem suspicious'

'She could have took something important that we need'

"Yeah... Yes, Y/n is a smart girl. If she found something, she would surely take it"

'Let's follow her'

Without hesitation the Doctor proceeds to follow you as quietly as possible, keeping a decent distance so that he can hide in case you turn around or at least not to make you suspect anything, meanwhile his mechanical arms were making sure not seen by anyone else... They certainly did not want to be discovered right now.  They follow you for about an half an hour until you enter a building and they stop there.

'That's probably where she lives'

'Yes, but we have other priorities right now'

"Yes, finding the founds for our project... We may visit her... Later"

That said, the arms and the Doctor begin to head in another direction, remembering the location of your last sighting. Octavius looks thoughtful.

Dr. Octopus, opening his eyes after the memory, thinks about it for a moment

'We should give her a visit...'

'We get what we want and then leave'

'If she doesn't have anything useful... it's better to get rid of her'

"No. We won't hurt Y/n. There is no need of that..."

The Doctor replies shaking his head in protest with an irritated tone at the proposed idea, turning suddenly as his arms move quickly away, as if frightened for a moment by the tone of his voice. Then the right actuator gently approaches the Doctor, opening and closing slowly, followed soon after by the left one

'But what if she she calls the police on us?'

'And when the police is involved... So it's Spider-Man'

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