Chapter 1: A new assistant

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Quickly walking down the wet street with the umbrella almost slipping away from your rush, you curse yourself for being late.

"Damn it. Why did it have to happen today of all days ???"

Squeezing the umbrella more in your hands, you increase your pace and finally reach the large door and without delay enter the building. In a hurry you put your wet coat in your closet and take the lab coat with your identification tag from your backpack, putting it around your neck and run to the laboratory.
Before entering you do a messy bun to keep your hair in place, take a deep breath and enter the room, but... there isn't the movement you expected. In fact there is no one. Taking a few steps forward, with each footstep echoing in the lab, you look around for a moment: the room was large with a lot of workbenches with scientific tools on the left and a desk at the center, behind it a large semicircular window; on the right there were other machines but you couldn't understand what were they for. After observing for a while, a voice behind you catches your attention.

"Oh, you have arrived. Y/n L/n right?"

The man says as he looks at some papers in his hand and walks towards the desk in the center of the laboratory with a coffee in his other hand.

"A... Y-Yes, sir. It's me."

You answer, stiffening at the sudden entrance. You look at him as he walks with firm steps and with his back straight in front of you: he is a tall man, dressed in a red cotton turtleneck that wraps his robust body but without squeezing it too tight. Short, brown and well combed hair, but leaving a few strands free. The man, after putting down the papers and the cup of coffee, takes and wears his lab coat while turning towards you.

"Doctor. Call me Doctor, thank you."

He answers by beckoning you to come closer with his hand. Lingering for a few seconds you walk over to his desk, still with your heart in your throat from the rush you had before. Returning to look at the papers on the table, he starts talking again.

"Connor speaks very fondly of you... Says you are one of the best students in his class. He himself recommended me to take you as an assistant for my project."

He looks up at you moving from the desk towards you, leaning on the desk and crossing his arms, his dark brown eyes with some dark circles underneath were scanning you till crossing your eyes. You stop when you are close enough, blushing a little for the praises of your professor.

"A-Ah, I don't think I am that smart but I'll do my best Doctor."

You say, lightly squeezing your white coat. He smiles and chuckles slightly at your reply, looking down.

"No need to be modest, dear. I am sure you earned those praises."

He smiles back in a warm, gentle tone, looking at you kindly and your body slowly relaxes.

"Ah, but where are my manners. Doctor Otto Octavius."

He reaches out his hand to you. Your eyes widen and your mouth opens for a moment from hearing the name. How could you not recognize the man that professor Connor and so many others talked about so much in these last days?! Looking down for embarrassment but also for the honor, you reach out and shake his hand.

"I-It's a honor to meet you Doctor Octavius! I've read a lot about your research recently and..."

You respond sheepishly by lowering your voice a little, not wanting to sound too obsessed or worse, to the Doctor. But the look on the Doctor was just one of a pleasing surprise.

"Oh really? Flattered. Then I assume it will be easier to work with you. I hope Connor doesn't talk only about me in class..."

He says with a chuckle, moving behind his desk again, eyeing the papers on the table.

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