Chapter 18: An unexpected friend

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Avoiding the police, you run with all your strenght till you finally reach MJ's and Ned's location. It was a very common condo near the streets and you would have never found it if Peter hadn't told you about it when you were in the van with him. As you get near the condominium, you see a woman exiting and quickly use the opportunity to grab the door and enter the building, but first you take a rapid look to the names on the buttons of the intercom to figure out on what floor is Ned's grandma's apartment: 4th floor. When you see there is no elevator you sigh and drag your exausted body through all the floors. Your legs ache from exertion but you make it to the fourth floor, wandering door to door for the correct name and finally at the end you find the grandma's one. You weakly knock on the door and after a moment an elderly asian woman opens the door. Leaning against the wall you breathe heavily trying to catch your breath as the lady looks at you strangely from up to down.

"S....ah... Sorry Ma'am... Ufff....I'm... Ned's... Friend... I... *Pant*"

"O...Oh!!! Oho!"

The old lady widens her eyes and with her hand she signs you to enter, nodding while helping you to stand up. You thank her continuously for the help while nodding in gratitude, following her lead. She brings you to the living room where you see Ned and MJ talking to each other and behind them there is a guy dressed as... As Spider Man? Who was he? And why on earth was he dressed like Spider Man? Not important right now. You where here. You swallow to wet your dry mouth.


You feebly say but nonetheless catch their attention. When they see you they immidiately rush towards you with a relieved face.


"Oh thank God Y/n!"

"You're safe! What happened?!"

"W-Where is Peter?"

"Yeah where's Peter?"

The two of them shower you with questions, talking on each other for the curiosity mixed with concern but the grandma quickly hushes them by saying something in what seemed tagalog and helps you sit on the couch behind you.

"T-Thank you Ma'am..."

You nod again to thank her as she smiles for your gratitute and you take a long breath.

"I am sorry guys... It... It was total chaos. Norman went frenzy, his bad side taking in and..."

You put your hands on your face, covering it as you remember the horrific scene: Norman attacking Peter, Max stealing the powerful device and throwing out Octavius from the building, Mr. Marko escaping the fight as you and aunt May runned the stairs... God there was also the Lizard Man in the van! The two friends look at you worried, glancing at each others as asking themselves on what to do.

"We need to find Peter... The real one"


As MJ says that, the guy behind them seems a little offended by the comment. Peeking up, you tilt your head to give him a good look: he was a tall, toned guy with light brown, short hair. He had a nice face, seemed friendly but you didn't had a clue on why in the world he was dressed up as Spider Man. Was he a huge fan of him? Even if that was the case... Was he a friend of them? Someone you could trust?

"Excuse me guys but... Who is he?"

You quietly ask as you look up at MJ and Ned. They look at you and then dart their eyes again at each others, not knowing how to explain the situation or who the guys is without being confusing. They mutter something and then MJ glances at you.

"He's... Peter"

MJ awkwardly replies, moving slightly to the right, pointing to the guy behind her who was waving to you to introduce himself with a small, clumsy smile with his lips crushed.

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