Chapter 16: Time for fixing!

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Finally the moment we've all been waiting guys!
Time to fix our grumpy Doc! (≧▽≦)

Aunt May drives the three of you and all the villains in her work van to a tall building where Peter said he could help you. With discretion he brings you all inside the skyscraper, dragging you into an elevator. You squish between yourselves since you were seven people (except the Lizard Man that was left in the van for... Safety reasons) in an elevator. Even if it was kind of big the space was all occupied. Coincidentally, you were also near Octavius... You attempt to shrink yourself as tight as possible to give him space since he was restricted by his own actuators and that made him more bulky and incapacitated to move too much. But even if you tried your best, you couldn't prevent from bumping into him at times and when that happens you just stare down, clenching your hands between them, hoping he didn't mind or get upset by it. Glancing at him discreetly you could see him stiffen while holding his breath and looking up at the numbers of the floors on the elevator's door. He too was probably uncomfortable with the situation. You were glad he didn't look down at you. It would have been surely more embarrassing than it is now.
You leave a sigh of relief when the elevator opens and all of you quickly exit and follow Peter to a locked door. Peter opens it and let you all enter in a big, modern apartment with a lot of windows and expensive furnitures. You look around with your mouth open while observing the room. The villains don't waste time and get comfortable in the room: Electro or better Max, now that you knew his name and those of the other villains, turns on the TV with his powers; Sand Man (Mr. Marko) cozily sits on the couch, realizing however that he was leaving sand on the sofa and awkwardly cleaning it but to no avail while apologizing; Norman approaches curiosly a mechanical thing on the main table in the living room that starts moving, analizing it while Octavius just stands in the center of the room, not moving a muscle while suspiciously looking around till he stops his gaze on Peter.

"So this is your plan Peter? Mh?"

You, Peter and May look at the Doctor that had a disapproving face, starting to bicker again about the plan that Peter had in mind. He was so stubbornly against it.

"No lab, no facility, just performing miracles in a condominium? Mh?? What, you are going to cook us some churros? Some frozen burritos in a microwave???"

His tone was getting more and more frustrated and harsh, gritting his teeth while the three of you looked at him patiently, waiting for him to calm down. You put a hand on your right eyebrow, massagging it to ease the stress while looking away to another direction.

"I could go for a burrito!"

Norman answers and his funny reply relieves the stress that was building up inside you, making you chuckle a little. The poor man was probably hungry again.

"He's gonna kill us all!"

"Well... let's hope not"

Peter replies and disregards the Doctor's harsh comment. He looks at you, beckoning to follow him and you do so. The Doctor looks at you two suspiciously with furrowed eyebrows.

"You're up first, Doc"

He says approaching Octavius and patting him on his shoulder. The Doctor turns, looking at the both of you, concerned for the statement.

"What??? Hey, I told you I don't need fixing! I DON'T NEED FIXING!!!"

He angrily answers, pointing out again that he didn't want to be touched by teenager's hands while Peter keeps walking with you behind, ignoring the Doctor's complaints. You sigh. He had a lot to say, didn't he? You enter a room that seemed to be a closet. A big closet actually. You had a gut feeling that this room was something special once. Peter approaches a covered and dusty box. He uncovers it, showing that there was a large case underneath. In that moment Norman, May and Max enter the room too.

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