Chapter 15: For a second chance

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The magician called 'Strange' closes his eyes in concentration while he continued to unlock his unknown box that emitted cracking noises as it opened more, getting near to the completion of the spell. Everyone looked at each other anxiously: the villains on the other part of the windows feeling powerless and caged while the group of you didn't know what to do, especially you since you didn't know what that man was capable of as he appeared from nowhere commanding unknown forces.


Mr. Osborn cryes as he didn't want to go back to his world to be met by his unavoidable death. None of you wanted this. You and Peter look at him and then at each others with a face of concern. He had tied hands. He couldn't go against his friend for some random people he just met, some people that would probably just cause more problems or even damage to his world. You bite your lower lip in defeat, looking at Octavius that was alredy watching you. His eyes desperate but also with a sense of sadness and full of regret. Probably regret for what he has done, to you and to many others but you couldn't be totally sure. Your heart starts beating faster and your eyes get wetter as you feel that the end was near and you couldn't do anything to stop this.
As the man finishes with the box and is ready to press something on it... The unpredictable happens: Peter shoots his web to the box, leaving you all breathless for the unexpected action.


The wizard warns Peter, as if he knew what the teenager was dumbly planning and he didn't agree at all. But before he could warn him one more time, Peter retracts his web and drags the cube to his hand and the man swirls for the pull. Without hesitation the boy also shoots an orangish ray to the mage that kept spinning and instantly teleports him to the mirror room of the Sand Man.



MJ and Ned panic at the action of their friend but without thinking they help him flee the dungeon, covering his escape by putting themselves between Peter and the mirror room where Strange was. You too follow their action and put yourself infront of the man that, after mumbling something with an annoyed face, exits effortlessly the cage, traversing the barrier itself. The Sand Man follows him, thinking that he too could now exit the cage but instead he bumps into it. You widen your eyes scared as the man walk with firm steps past the three of you. His main attention now was the thief. Oh he was in big trouble now. You look at MJ and Ned that also stay petrified as the man climbs the basement' stair, leaving you with the five villains. They too look at you puzzled.
You all stay silent for a while, thinking of what to do, if to go after Peter and Strange or not. But what could you actually do? You didn't have superpowers like them, you were just an ordinary girl. Also you surely didn't know how to free the villains... Not that you wanted to because... Well, they probably didn't have good intentions but still... You were in the same boat. You slowly sit on the stone stair with your hands in your hair, hoping that Peter escapes from the mage and secured the box. What was his plan anyway? How could he help avoid your deaths? You leave a long sigh, unsure on how things will unravel around you but suddenly a portal appears in front of you and Peter comes out jumping from it. With the surprise of all... He had the box!
You immidiately stand up and approach the boy with MJ and Ned, impressed and curious on how he escaped from the clutches of Strange.

"DUDE! What happened???"

"I justhadabattlewithdoctorSTRANGE and I TOTALLY WON!"


Ned asks as Peter, full of adrenaline, explains in one breath that he fought Strange and retrivered the magic box safely. You are all impressed and speechless at the boy's success. You didn't think he could actually make it, but you were glad you were wrong! He continues to tell about his fight in a massive mirror 'thing' while Ned analyzes the magician's ring that Peter stole from him during the battle.

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