Chapter 11: Backstabber

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After freeing yourself from the chain with which Octavius ​​was holding you captive, you exit the ruined building, looking around to understand which area of ​​the city you were in. It was certainly an industrial district as it was full of abandoned factories and obviously there were no people walking around to ask for help. Gritting your teeth and with great effort you start heading towards the city to look for someone who could give you a hand or rather a lift to Osborn's Penthouse, where you would surely have found Harry, hoping to get there before the doctor. Of course you thought of going to the police station but unfortunately it was too far from where you needed to go and they surely would take too long to arrive on time. Maybe of you got a phone...
After walking for a few minutes you finally begin to see movement, cars and people walking around the street.


You exclaim breathing heavily, the pain in the waist that continued to hurt from the walk, it was especially painful on the right side when you breathed. When you arrive on the road you look around, possibly looking for a taxi as fast as possible and luckily for you one was just passing by. You energetically wave your hand to get his attention but unfortunately the cab ignores you and you watch him go with defeated and agitated eyes. You look around again and another vehicle is about to approach. You don't waste any time and stretch out your hand hoping that the car will stop, almost throwing yourself into the street. The vehicle abruptly stops in front of you and an elderly gentleman rolls down the window to look at you in an angry and shocked manner. He had some semi-transparent yellowish sunglasses on and white and grey hair that were neatly combed to the back with a painter's brush mustache. Did you ever saw him? He seemed so familiar...

"Are you crazy young lady?!"

"Please please, I urgently need a ride sir!"

You tell him almost desperate, leaning against the window of the vehicle while the man looks at you worried when he notices that you were probably hurt as you were clutching your waist with your hand.

"A-Are you hurt?!"

He asks quickly getting out of the car to give you a hand. You sigh heavily as your knees give out slightly but you lean against the vehicle, supported by your hand on the window. The man takes you by the arm trying to help you.

"You need to go to the hospital girl!"

"Nono please I need to go to... To Osborn's Penthouse right now! It is a matter of life or death! Please!"

You interrupt him by holding on to his arm and pulling yourself to your feet, you look at him begging to listen to you. The old man looks at you for a moment confused and shaken but after furrowing his eyebrows as if in disagreement he opens the door of his vehicle and helps you get inside. A sigh of relief leaves you as soon as you sit in the car trying to catch your breath as the old man closes your door, getting back into the car and starting at full speed. The man was sometimes glancing at you to be assured that you were okay.

"Sir, I... I know you alredy doing so much for me, but could you please lend me your phone?"

The old man without hesitation pull out his phone and gives it to you. You bow your head in gratitude and call the police station. The phone rings and finally someone answers.

*Police station of New York, what can I do for you?*

"Please send some patrols to the Osborn's Penthouse! Harry Osborn is in danger! Please!"

You say agitated. But the man on the other side tries to calm you down. Will they believe you?

*Miss, please calm down and explain*

"Doctor O-... Doc Ock will surely go to Osborn to get the tritium! You need to stop him you-"

The phone line drops and the phone turns off. It had discharged. God how unlucky! But at least you warned them. You could only hope they believed you and sent someone at least check in...
During the trip, your attention is drawn to the small radio that talks about an accident that happened in a café not too far from where you are heading. They talk about the kidnapping of a young girl by the villain Doc Ock who disappeared shortly after committing the crime. You are petrified at the news, fearing that Peter was also involved in the accident since the doctor had been looking for him this morning. You fold your hands, praying that nothing serious has happened to those poor people or Peter. Octopus had probably kidnapped the girl to lure Spider Man and will surely take her to his lair... Where he won't find you anymore. You slightly squeeze your hand around your waist, remembering what he did to you.

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