01, Meow For Heals

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Chapter 01,
Meow For Heals

Chapter 01,Meow For Heals

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Insta-lock SageAugust, 2021

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Insta-lock Sage
August, 2021

   MADDY ADAIR is not popular. This might sound like an unbelievably cliché beginning, but it's simply a fact. Maddy is not popular, because she never wanted to be, anyway. She's seen the way her twin brother and his best friend are treated, when the entire school knows them, and she doesn't think she would have it in her to try and be friends with everyone.

   She still remembers the day Beck asked her to join the cheerleading squad with Via, because he and Foosh were trying out for the football team. She laughed in his face and rejected the idea completely, unable to imagine herself in a blue, white and black costume made of spandex. She was comfortable supporting her brother and friend from the back of the bleachers, where only people looking for her would notice that she's there.

   That was in freshman year. Now, they're about to start their senior year, and Maddy won't lie, she's kind of excited to be done with high school and finally leave for college. Of course, just like in high school, she's still planning to fly under the radar and unnoticed, but college students are usually much smarter as compared to high schoolers. That's the one thing she's looking forward to.

   A part of Maddy is sad that her summer break is ending. She will no longer have as much time to read books, or play computer games with her brother and friends, but she's sure they'll all manage. They've been doing quite well even with Beck and Foosh being preoccupied due to their early football practices which began a month before school will, including the tryouts for new football players. It's been rough for them especially, since they're QB2 and QB1 respectively, and Foosh is hoping to get a scholarship based on his football skills.

   Maddy sits under the tree near the football field at their school, watching Beck, Foosh and their teammates running around, training and throwing the ball. Today is a hot day with about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which consequently led some of the boys to take off their T-shirts. She doesn't complain, sometimes being reminded of the fact that Foosh actually has a six-pack and that neither he or her brother are the stereotypical gamer boys that are always portrayed in the media. Who would've thought that gamer boys would regularly make visits to the gym or find time to play football as well as study? Those time management skills are truly impeccable.

   She doesn't even remember the last time Beck has gone to bed later than 11PM. Sometimes, especially on weekends, he'd wake up at 6AM and as the menace that he is, he'd wake Maddy up and force her to go on a jog, no matter the weather. Foosh occasionally joins them, and Maddy calls them both clinically insane, especially after a jog in the rain.

   "Reading, huh?" Via appears by the tree, giving Maddy a knowing look, her eyes moving between the book in Maddy's lap and the football field where Maddy is staring.

   The Adair girl turns her head in Via's direction, not surprised to see her best friend. She'd told Via where she would be, and she's played one too many horror games to be easily scared. Maddy shrugs.

   "At least the view is good," says Via smugly, sitting down next to Maddy, her legs crossed. "Anything new happening out there? Anything Beck and Foosh haven't told us?" She raises an eyebrow at the brunette Adair, who promptly shrugs.

   "Nah, they told us almost everything," she says. Pointing at the field, she shows at every single face she can't put a name to. "Those are the new guys, some are freshmen, but there's a bunch of guys from other years. I think."

   Via chuckles, nodding. "Is Donovan still being a dick to our boys?"

   "Of course," says Maddy, laughing. "Mans is really petty about not getting either QB1 or QB2."

   "Take the L, man." Via shakes her head, her eyes briefly locking on Mike Donovan, a tall blonde with nothing more to him but his looks. The two girls enjoy occasionally watching the football team and shit-talking some of the boys on the team, knowing that they can't be seen nor heard.

   "By the way, Beck said he wants to play Valo tonight. You in?" asks Maddy, averting her gaze to her best friend, a knowing smile on her lips.

   "What even is that question? Of course, I am," says Via obviously, rolling her eyes. "Valo with the entire 4/4? I'm already praying for the unfortunate soul that will have the misfortune of being put on a team with us."

   "You and Beck seriously need to stop messing with those poor people," says Maddy, though the corners of her mouth lift in a smile. "You guys make me want to bury my head in the ground."

   "Hey, look, you can't tell me that the guy that nearly swallowed his microphone because we told him we can't hear him wasn't absolutely hilarious." Via laughs at the mere memory of the boy who was put on their team.

   "You ruined that poor guy's microphone."

   "Maybe he'll know not to swallow them next time."

   "I can't with you." Maddy shakes her head, rolling her eyes.

   "I'm gonna tell the fifth person to meow for heals this time," Via giggles, the idea already born in her mind. So far, she's made both Beck and Foosh meow when they needed heals a few weeks ago as a joke. Telling that to strangers is another level.

   Maddy facepalms, which makes Via laugh louder. "I'm gonna start insta-locking Sage from you, just so I can avoid the second-hand embarrassment of those situations."

   "No, you're not," says Via determinedly, vigorously shaking her head. "I'm too good as Sage for you to take that away from me. And you know damn well that I will throw the entire game, if you do that."

   Maddy sighs. "I genuinely hate you."

   "That's okay." Via shrugs with a smirk. "I love myself enough for the both of us."


   just a wee bit of an introduction to maddy and via hihihi, and also lots of foosh mentions along with beck wee. also, uh, this is an AU right and i've decided it's all happening like, now, but they're all still just teenagers in high school, yeah ... just wanna put that out here again :'D

   also, the meowing for heals was not my idea lmao, since my irl bestie actually plays valo unlike me who opens it once in a blue moon, and she recently told me she's gonna start maining sage and tell people to meow for heals on purpose ahahahahah

   enjoy and everybody wham wham !

   enjoy and everybody wham wham !

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