Chapter 12

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5 years later

Life in New York was great, I made some new friends at work, explored the city, even got back into shape. I finally arrived at my apartment, I threw my shoes off and fell on my bed. And then I heard my phone ring, I answered not looking at who the caller was.

Y/n: Hello?

Dad: Y/n! How have you been?

Y/n: I've been good

Dad: That's great! Listen I need you to come back to Seoul

Y/n: Why?

Dad: Because I'm retiring and need you to be the new CEO of the company

Y/n: Why can't Mark do it?

Dad: Because he doesn't want to, all he wants to do is dance and sing. And I figured since you already are basically into the business you are the perfect choice.

Y/n: So it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I'm your only other child.

Dad: Basically

Y/n: Fine.

Dad: Yay! Your flight leaves in 5 hours

Y/n: 5 hours!

Dad: Yes. Bye! Have a safe flight!

Ughhh.... Time to pack

I managed to book a hotel room for the week while I find an apartment. I could have stayed with my parents but Mark still lives there and I haven't talked to him in 5 years. So I'm avoiding conflict at least until I become CEO, which speaking of the announcement will be made tomorrow so I need to look for and outfit.

Next day

I got ready to head to the company. I needed to wear something formal, but something that said I'm the CEO.

 I needed to wear something formal, but something that said I'm the CEO

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Dad: I have called this gathering to announce that I will be stepping down as CEO... I would like to introduce the new CEO my daughter Y/n Tuan!

I make my speech nice and short not really liking all the camera flashes. I step down from the podium. Following my father up to the 18th floor, down the hall towards my new office.

Dad: Here is your office, I'll still have mine on the floor below since I will still be here for the couple of weeks. Plus I thought it would be nice to give you a nice new office.

Y/n: Thank you dad

Dad: You're welcome. Now. Your new assistant will be up here to catch you up with everything, he' s been training for the past 3 months for this very occasion. I'll take my leave.

Y/n: Bye dad.

I sat at my desk taking in the new authority I have. The office was huge. It a lounge like area in front of my desk for business affaires.

 It a lounge like area in front of my desk for business affaires

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I hear a knock on the door, must be my assistant

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I hear a knock on the door, must be my assistant.

Y/n: Come in!

I walk out the room only to be shocked by the person who just walked in, although they also seemed shocked. This was perfect.

Y/n: Looks like the tables are about to turn Jimin.

To be continued...

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