Chapter 1

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I woke up seeing that it was still dark outside, remembering what happened earlier today.


Y/n: Jimin?

Jimin: Yes? Do I know you?

Y/n: It's me Y/n, your girlfriend

Jimin: I'm sorry I think you have me confused with a different person, cause this is my girlfriend.

He said holding onto the girl next to him, the same girl he held hands with, the same girl that gave him a peck, ON THE LIPS!!! I then heard footsteps coming closer.

Mark: Jimin?

Jimin Yes, who are you?

Mark: Your girlfriends brother who else. Where the hell have you been?

Jimin: Why is everybody saying she's my girlfriend when she's not.

Mark: Yes the fuck she is!

Mark was starting to get mad.

Jimin: No the fuck she's not!

Mark got really mad, so he threw a punch, hitting Jimin on his cheek.

Y/n: Mark!!

I yelled pulling him back.

???: Hey get your brothers hands off my BOYFRIEND!

She said emphasizing the word boyfriend, helping Jimin up.

I really wanted to punch her for that, but I had to control myself

Jimin: The hell is wrong with you!?

Mark: Me?! What's wrong with you saying my sister isn't your girlfriend, when you were the one bugging me to let you go out with her! You Bast-

Y/n: Mark!!

I cut him off before he said anything else.

Y/n: Let's just go, he's clearly not gonna remember.

I walked towards the exit pulling Mark with me, soon the rest of the gang followed probably wondering why Jimin doesn't remember. We got into the vans driving back home.

Once we got there I got off the van running into the house up to my room locking myself in there never wanting to come out. I cried myself to sleep wanting to forget what happened a couple minutes ago.

*End of flashback*

Tears started falling down my face remembering what happened. I decided to change and go the the convenience store.


I got there and grabbed some snacks

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I got there and grabbed some snacks. As soon as I was about to grab the chips I wanted another hand reached for them as well making our hands touch.

Y/n: I'm sorry you can have them

They took it only to realize it was the last bag.

???: Oh, here you can have them I'm not that hungry anyway.

I recognized that voice, I turned around to see it was Jimin, and the bruise on his cheek that Mark gave him. Only seeing him made my heart race and ache at the same time.

Jimin: Your that girl from earlier, right?

Y/n: Yeah, sorry about my brother by the way.

JImin: It's fine, it wasn't your fault, if anything it's mine

Y/n: What? Don't say that

Jimin: It is, my fault

It stayed quite for a couple of seconds

Y/n: Wanna talk outside?

You idiot why would you ask that your supposed to be avoiding him.

Jimin: Sure

We payed and sat out side sipping on our drinks.

To be continued...................

My Bully Book 2 (Jimin ff)Where stories live. Discover now