Chapter 10

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A week has gone by since the date, and no word from Jimin. Not a call or text, and here I was thinking we were getting somewhere in our relationship. Not to mention Mark hasn't been how as often. I can't even hangout with Lisa cause she's been going out with her boyfriend, a.k.a Jackson. So to sum it up, it's been a very lonely week.

Instead of waiting around for something good to happen, so I got my ass up and decided to go to the mall and blow some money at the mall.

I got ready and wore this:

As I was grabbing my car keys the front door opened and in came Mark, with hickeys all over his neck

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As I was grabbing my car keys the front door opened and in came Mark, with hickeys all over his neck.

Y/n: Where have you been?

Mark: Out

Y/n: With who?

Mark: Does it matter?

Y/n: Considering you have hickeys al over your neck, and have been giving me an attitude lately, so yes it does matter.

Mark: Sounds to me you have an idea on where I was.

I was not in the mood t deal with this, so I just left and headed towards the mall.

I decided to eat first, I got in line to eat food and sat down at a table and began to eat.

I was eating peacefully, liking posts on instagram, thinking about what was going on with my brother. Until my thought were interrupted when I felt a presence indent of me.

Jimin: I wasen't expecting to see you here

I was low-key annoyed for two reasons, first being I just wanted to be alone right now, second being that he comes up to me as if we've been in contact with each other for the past week.

Y/n: h, it's you

Jimin: What's wrong?

Y/n: I mean considering that you haven't called or texted me since our date, I would say yes, there is something wrong.

Jimin: Yeah I'm sorry, I've been meaning to talk to you about that.

He sat down and held my hand.

Jimin: Ever since our date, I've felt as though I like you, the way I used to, but all over again since I don't have my memory's of you. I want to date you but, I want to get to know you more and gain back my memory.

I was happy, knowing he was starting to like me all over again. Crony but sweet.

Jimin: I broke up with Seulgri.... I wanted to focus on us, and although I didn't want to hangout with you at first, I decided to do cause your brother asked me to. That's why I've been taking so long on talking to you, I didn't know how to explain it

Y/n: okay, so you broke up with your now ex, just so you can focus on us.

Jimin: You made it sound way more simple.

Y/n: Yeah, and what's this about my brother?

Jimin: He was the one that told me I should ask you to help me get my memory back.

I was mad who was Mark to get involved with my ex/soon to be relationship?

Y/n: And how come you decided to listen to him?

Jimin: I was thinking about asking you anyways. Everybody has been telling me you're my girlfriend, including my parents. Plus my parents have been trying everything to help me regain my memory, so why not try something else out.

I was still bothered by his presence. Honestly, how long does it take to break up with someone? So I stayed quiet, all I wanted was some pampering time by myself.

Jimin: Y/n?..... You're not mad are you?

Y/n: No...

I grabbed me belongings and left, I wasn't in the mood for anyone, even if he lost his memory's. '

Jimin: Y/n!... Y/n!

I ignored his calls, I'm mad and I don't even know why. I'm tired of everyone's bullshit, or maybe just mine. I drove home and saw Mark in the living room texting someone, probably Seulgri.

Mark: You're home.

Y/n: Obviously

Mark: Mhm..

Y/n: So why did you tell Jimin to ask me out on a date?

Mark: I told him to ask you to help him get his memory back, not a date

Y/n: Same shit... Don't get involved in my relationship

Mark: You weren't gonna do shit! You left him at that festival, you were willing to let him go. If i didn't step in to help he would still be with Seulgri.

Y/n: Still? How did you know they broke up?

Mark: ....

Y/n: Right, I forgot. You've been fucking Seulgri.

Mark: No I haven't

Y/n: Yes you are. I saw you kissing her when Jimin and I went to the mall, not to mention those hickeys. Is that why you asked him to start hang out with me, cause you wanted to fuck his girl?

Mark: Shut up!

Y/n: You're mad cause I'm right!

He went to his room angry. I don't care, not anymore.

To be continued...

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