Continuing the book

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Hey everyone!!!

Instead of making a book 3, I have decided to continue this one. I have a couple ideas as to how I want to end this book after 2 years of giving you guys such a terrible ending.

I started writing this when I was in high school at 15. I was a freshman and didn't know what the hell I was doing. All I knew is that I found a platform that I could use as a creative outlet. Flash forward five years later and I'm on my way to being 21. 

When I tell you I was cringing so hard and laughing at the way I use write read back on both books. It was now wonder English was my worst subject, still is but it has drastically improved. I would really like to rewrite the entire series and put more detail and explanation, as well as fixing the obvious illiterate issues.  Not only that but I feel as though now that I've lived through high school and actual life, I can improve things and make them more relatable to the average reader. 

That's all I have to say though. If you have any suggestions as to what you want to happen in the story leave a comment or send me a message. 

I would also like to start writing and entirely different story with either Jungkook or Taehyung as the lead. Especially now that all of them are in the army, I know we all miss them. 

Chapter 13 will be posted this weekend.   

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