Chapter 5

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I was speechless, was he really asking me to help him get his memories back? Can I even help him get them back? Would I be of much help? There were so many questions going through my head he had to get my attention again.

Jimin: Hello?

He said waving his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.

Y/n: What do you mean help you get your memories back?

Jimin: I mean take me places we would go to, back when we were supposedly dating.

I didn't know how to feel about that, the way he said that last part in a sarcastic way. Should I be upset?

Y/n: Okay, sure!

I had a smile on my face. Why? I don't know.

Jimin: Great meet me here tomorrow again, and we'll go somewhere.

Y/n: Okay

We sat there in silence for about 10 min, until my phone buzzed.

Text Message:

Mark: Come back home, we need to talk.

I sighed, sort of happy he gave me an excuse to leave this awkward situation.

Y/n: I need to go my brother needs me home

Jimin: Oh him, okay bye.

I couldn't help but notice that he didn't sound so pleased when I mentioned Mark.

Y/n: Well then bye

I got up and left still not sure about how to feel about the whole situation that just happened. I got in my car driving my self home to see what Mark had to talk about.

Mark POV

I had texted Y/n to tell her about the situation that happened earlier.


Awhile after Y/n had left to go meet up with Lisa at the mall, I texted Jimin telling him to meet me at the park. He didn't know who had texted him since I had gotten his number from his parents.

Text message:

Mark: Meet me at the park in 10 min. next to the kids playground

Jimin: Who is this?

Mark: A person that needs to talk to you

Jimin: Okay.......

I got my jacket and left the house walking to the park where I told him to meet up. I was sitting at a bench waiting for him, and after 5 min he finally arrived. I saw him from afar so I waved at him getting his attention, signaling him to come over to where I was. When he saw me he gave me a disgusted look.

Jimin: What do you want?

Mark: Nice to see you too, look I need your help

Jimin: With what?

Mark: I need you you to ask Y/n to help you get your memory back

Jimin: Why?

Mark: Because I hate seeing her like this plus you were the one who begged me to let you date her

Jimin: Fine

*End of flashback*

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

I opened it and saw Y/n. I let her and we sat down on our bed.

To be continued.............

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