Chapter 2

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We sat just outside the conveniences store, sipping on our drinks in silence.

Y/n: So how's your girlfriend?

Jimin: You should know already, it is you after all.

Or at least that's what I would have wanted him to say, but instead he said this.

Jimin: She's fine I guess

He said it with no emotion.

Y/n: I guess?

Jimin: She got mad at me for the whole situation that happened earlier

Y/n: Why that's stupid

Jimin: Yeah, she started saying I was cheating on her, so she kicked my out our apartment and now I'm here.

I wanted to punch her for kicking him out for a dumb reason.

Jimin: I'm sorry, I want to believe you but I can't remember.

Hearing that made me feel some sort of happiness.

Y/n: So you Did lose your memories

Jimin: Yeah, Seulgi found me on the side of the river and ever since then she's taken care of me, and over time we developed feelings for each other. 

Y/n: So her name is Seulgi.......

Jimin: Yeah sorry I didn't tell you before.

Y/n: It's fine, you should explain to her..... you know the truth.

Jimin: Yeah, then I should probably get going and talk to her.

Y/n: Yeah you probably should

Jimin: Yeah but let me get your number before I leave, I still wanna discuss somethings with you.

Y/n: Ok, sure, just call or text me when you want to talk.

We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

I got home to a worried Mark.

Mark: Where the hell have you been!?!?

Y/n: Out

Mark: I realize that! Where exactly!?

Y/n: I went to the store to get some snacks, calm down

Mark: How can I stay calm when I don't even know where you were!?

Y/n: It'a ok I'm alive am I not?

Mark: Well I mean yeah......

Y/n: Exactly so calm down.

Mark: I'm sorry.... it's just that I went to your room to check on you but you weren't there...

I felt bad making him feel worried about me when there was no need to.

Y/n: I sorry for making you worry...... I was just out grabbing food since I didn't eat.

Mark: It's fine just tell me next time when your going to go out.

Y/n: Ok

Mark: Well good night

Y/n: Night

I went upstairs to my room and changed into this:

I lied down and closed my eyes. I was finally going to sleep until I heard my phone buzz. Annoyed, I sat up and grabbed my phone seeing who is was.


Unknown: Hey

I was wondering who it was, so I texted back

Y/n: Who is this?

My Bully Book 2 (Jimin ff)Where stories live. Discover now