Chapter 4

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I was at the mall with Lisa, shopping for an outfit for her to wear for her date with Jackson.

Y/n: Where is he taking you anyway?

Lisa: I don't know, all he told me was to wear something nice and fancy.

Y/n: So is he taking you to dinner?

Lisa: Who knows.

I nodded and we continued shopping and eventually found the perfect outfit foe Lisa. I also got a few things for myself, but non of them show skin. We made our way to the food court because we were hungry!

Lisa: So what do you want to eat?

Y/n: I don't know you choose

As I said that I got a text message from the unknown number.

Text message:

Unknown: I'll be waiting at the cafe.

I didn't respond debating whether I should go or not.

Y/n: Hey Lisa, Ima go meet up a friend. Okay?

Lisa: Okay, at least we're done shopping, cause if not I would have killed you.

Y/n: Sure.......... Ima go, bye!

Lisa: Bye!!

She waved goodbye with a wide smile on her face. I walked out to my car, driving to the cafe the unknown person.  I got there and sat down and ordered a cheesecake. once my cheesecake got there I was about to take a bite, until I heard my name be called. I looked up to see who it is and i saw Jimin.

Y/n: Oh hey Jimin

Jimin: Can we talk now?

Y/n: Sure, but I'm waiting on someone

Jimin: I know

Y/n: What do you mean you know? Are you stalking me?!

Jimin: No, I know cause I was the one that texted you

Y/n: Oh that was you?

Jimin: Yeah, remember you gave me your number

Y/n: Right sorry I forgot

Am I that much of an idiot that I forgot that I gave him my number? The answer is yes, yes I am.

Y/n: So what did you want to talk to me about?

He sat down across from me, and asked me the question I never expected to hear.

Jimin: Are you really my girlfriend?

I stayed silent not knowing what to respond.

Jimin: Everybody has been telling me you are, and ever since I met you, I haven't been feeling the same about Seulgi. So that takes me back to what I originally came to ask you. Can you help me get my memories back?

To be continued...............

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