Chapter 6

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Y/n: Okay, so why did you want to talk to me?

Mark: Have you talked to Jimin?

Y/n: Yeah I just got back from meeting him at the cafe. Why?

Mark: What did he say?

Y/n: Why do you wanna know? It's none of your business.

Mark: Yes it is, now tell me.

Y/n: Fine. He asked if I could help him get his memories back.

Mark: And what did you say?

Y/n: I said yes. Why?

Mark: Just asking

I was suspicious of the whole situation. Like why was he being so nosy?

Y/n: What are you up to?

Mark: Me? Nothing. Why?

He was not convincing me one bit.

Y/n: You're lying

Mark: I don't know what you're talking about

Y/n: Right.

Mark: I will tell you when the time comes

I rolled my eyes at him and went to my room. He's up to something and I need to know what it is. Time to do some investigating, but I don't know where to start. I'll figure this out later I'm sleepy and tired, I'll just take a short nap.

*Hours later*

I woke up and saw that it was 2 in the morning! Damn I must've been tired, But now I can't go back to sleep, great. I saw that someone had texted me, I opened the message and it was from Lisa.

*Text message*

Lisa: Y/n? Hello!?

Lisa: Jackson's not here yet and I'm panicking

Lisa: Oh never mind he's here

Lisa: Y/n hello why aren't you answering me?

Lisa: I need advice I don't want to screw this up


Lisa: That's it your getting killed tomorrow

Lisa: The date went well just in case you were wondering, no thanks to you.

*End of text message*

I laughed as I was reading the messages, she is so extra. I then realized I was gonna die tomorrow. Fuck.....

I decided to explain to her tomorrow since it's late right now. So I just lied back down and closed my eyes, and to my surprise I was able to go back to sleep.

I woke up to someone jumping on me.

Y/n: Owwww!!! That hurts!! What the hell is wrong with you Lisa?!

Lisa: Why didn't you answer my texts last night!?

Y/n: When I got home from meeting that friend of mine I knocked out. I'm sorry

Lisa: It's fine I guess

I looked at her and saw that she wasn't going to accept my apology.

Y/n: You don't forgive me do you?

Lisa: I will if you tell me who that friend of yours is

I knew there was a catch

Y/n: Fine, I went to go meet up with Jimin

Lisa: Jimin!

Y/n: At first I didn't know who is was at first, but when we met up I saw it was Jimin. He then asked if I could help him get his memories back and I said yes.

Lisa: What!? Y/n you can't just go and meet up with an unknown person, what if they do something bad to you?! You should be more careful!

Y/n: I know.... but I'm alive aren't I?

Lisa: I guess...

Y/n: Great. Now can you get off of me?

Lisa: Yeah sorry

She got off om and we headed down stairs where I saw.......

Y/n: Jimin!?

To be continued................

Sorry I haven't updated in 3 weeks! Sorry it was short, school is a pain in my ass. I'll try to upload more often.

If you have any questions about the story or me, I'll answer it.

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