Chapter 9

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We got to our destination.

Y/n: The park.......

Jimin: You dont like it?

He seemed disappointed of my response.

Y/n: No!I mean I do, I like it I just wasn't expecting to come here. The way you told me to dress I was expecting to go to the movies or something, if I would known that we were coming to the park I would have dressed differently.

Jimin: This isn't it.

We walked up a trail until he told me to stop.

Y/n:Why are we stopping?

Jimin: Because I need to do this.

He put a blindfold on and lead me to our destination.

Jimin: You ready?

Y/n: I guess

Jimin: 3...2...1 you can take the blindfold off now

I took it off and saw a big tree with fairy light hung from it with a picnic basket and blanket underneath. I was speechless

Jimin: Do you not like it?

Y/n: No.....

Jimin: I knew I should've gone with the other idea

Y/n: No, I do like it, I'm just wondering. Did you do this all by yourself?

Jimin: No, I got some help from Jungkook and Taehyung

Y/n: Well it's beautiful

Jimin: Like you

I turned and looked at him, we stood there look at each others eyes for a good minute.

Jimin: Shall we go see it from up close?

Y/n: Sure

I really thought he was going to kiss me, but of course  he wouldn't he has a girlfriend. Such a disappointment.

It wasn't so far up, but it was high enough for us to see some of the city lights. It was beautiful, if felt as if we were dating, but then reality hits me. We are not a couple, and who knows if that will ever happen again.

*Time skip*

The day went well, I enjoyed it.

Jimin: So did you have fun?

Y/n: Yeah

Jimin: You sure? You don't sound too sure about it.

Y/n: I really did have fun, I just wish you would remember me

Jimin: Someday I will, and I have a feeling that will be very soon

Y/n: How would you know?

Jimin: I don't know I just have a feeling.

Y/n: Well I hope that feeling of yours is right.

Jimin: It is trust me.

To be continued..................

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