Chapter 3

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At the door was Jimin.......

Everybody was shocked. My parents because they didn't expect to see him, and Mark and I because we didn't think his parents knew he was alive.

Mom: Jimin!?

Jimin: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Tuan

I saw Mrs.Park walking up behind Jimin.

Mrs.Park: Hello

Mom: Hello, is this really Jimin??

Mrs.Park: Yes this is what we wanted to tell you. We found Jimin!!! Come in so we can talk properly.

We all went in and sat in the living room.

Living room:

Mom: So what happened?

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Mom: So what happened?

Mrs.Park: A couple days after we went to go visit Y/n, he showed up at our door. We didn't tell you because he lost his memory. We didn't want to get your hopes up, and when he introduced us to his girlfriend Seulgi, we really didn't want to tell you because we knew it would hurt Y/n.

Mom: Well we understand, and we hope Jimin gets his memory back.

Mrs.Park: Thank you.

There maid walked in and said dinner was ready, so we all made our way to the dinning room.

Dinning room:

The table was already set up when we got there

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The table was already set up when we got there. We all sat down and started eating.

*Time skip*

After dinner we left and went back home.

*Next day*

I woke up and got a text from Lisa.


Lisa: Hey, wanna got to the mall??

Y/n: Yeah sure. Right now?

Lisa: Yeah in like half an hour.

Y/n: Okay, see you later then.

Lisa: Kk

I got up and got ready for the day.


I went downstairs and saw Mark eating peacefully

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I went downstairs and saw Mark eating peacefully. He didn't hear me so I decided to go up to him and scare him.

Y/n: BOO!!

Mark: Ahhh!!!

He jumped making his piece of bacon fall on the ground.

Mark: What the hell!?

Y/n: What? Did you make me some breakfast?

Mark: No, and no I won't make you some

Y/n: What!? Why not?

Mark: Because you scared me

Y/n: Fine, I'm gonna go to the mall with Lisa anyway.

Mark: Okay. Mom and dad left for a business trip by the way.

Y/n: Oh for how long?

Mark: I don't know, they said they should be back by the time we enter college

Y/n: So in like 2 months?

Mark: I guess.

Y/n: Okay well Ima go.

Mark: Bye!

Y/n: Bye!

I left the house and drove to the mall to meet up with Lisa.

To be continued................

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