Chapter 11

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I was in my room curled up in bed not wanting to be disturbed. I haven't talked to Mark in three days, not since we got in that fight. I also haven't left my room since then, I was done with everybody, I was tired of having people lie to me.

Mother: Y/n you have a visitor

I hear my mom knock on the door, and was followed by the door opening.

Jimin: Hey... Mark told me you haven't left your room in three days.

Y/n: So what?

Jimin: Listen I know you don't want to see anyone, but there's something I need to tell you.

I didn't respond hoping he would leave.

Jimin: I never really lost my memories

What did he just say?

I sat up just looking at him sitting that the edge of my bed in disbelief.

Y/n: What do you mean you never lost your memories? You've been lying to me this whole time!? You don't just disappear and pretend you never had a life. You don't lie to all your friends, family, and your girlfriend. We were all worried about you!

Jimin: I know and I'm sorry. The best thing to to was to stay out of your life, I've hurt you way too much, it was better for me to just stay away.

Y/n: Bullshit! You don't get to decide what's best for me, if I really thought you hurt me that badly I wouldn't even be with you in the first place. But you know what, you just showed me that maybe I really am better off without you. If this is the bullshit you want to be putting me through then you're right, I shouldn't be with you. So leave.

I pushed him out of my room and slammed the door. This was all bullshit. I grabbed my computer and booked a flight to the U.S. the flight was in 3 hours, which gave me just enough time to pack my bags. My parents bought me a penthouse in New York recently so that's where I'll be staying.

I called an Uber to drive me to the airport. No one knew where I was going except for my parents. They supported me and my dad made sure I had a job at his company quarters in New York. I told them not to tell anyone where I was at, not even my brother, I knew that if they were to tell them then they would just come and look for me. I changed my number to avoid getting any calls as well.

Announcer: Now boarding flight to New York

Fuck it.

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