Ch. Eleven

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Xander King

Bella and I were at the hospital waiting for some answers on how Kail was. "Bella you really didn't have to be here. I know you have alot of work today." Trying not to be so obvious about how worried I was. She waves it off with a smile.

"Please, she's like family. Plus I feel as if this is our fault. We should of had security." I put my hand on hers. As much as it pained me, Bella was still my wife.

"Mr and Mrs. King?" A doctor walks up to us we both stand quickly.

"How is she?" I question, he nods looking at the both of us. "She has lost alot of blood, once we found out that she was pregnant we were able to control it. But, she lost the baby. The amount of blows she endured the baby was not strong enough."

My heart immediately sunk to my stomach. "She was pregnant. Oh my god. Why didn't she—Xander did you know this?" Bella questioned, I shake my head running a hand through my hair.

I felt sick, why didn't she tell me. "Since there was so much damage we did have to do surgery, but she's awake. Still very weak but if you would like to see her your more than welcome." He speaks, Bella nodded saying we would like to and then was stopped as her phone rang.

"I have to take this. Xander just go on without me make sure she is okay." I nod, the doctor lead me to the room opening the door.

"Kail, Mr. King is here." The doctor moves to the side as Kail looks up.

"I'll come and check on you later." He then walks out as I head over to her. "Kail, how are you feeling?" I ask holding her hand, she shakes her head as the tears fall from her eyes.

"I don't know..." I pull a chair up putting my head in her hand, I absolutely hate seeing her in so much pain.

I felt tears fall from my eyes. "Xander, I'm sorry." I look up at her shaking my head. "This is not your fault."

She shakes her head, moving her hand to wipe the tears. "The doctor said you were pregnant..." me saying this only caused more tears to fall.

I let out a long breath. "I-I'm sorry I didn't— I hardly had anytime to process it." I push the tears away with my thumb. "Hey. It's okay."

"Im sorry. Im so sorry, coming between you and your family. It wasn't right of me-" I cut her off taking her hand kissing it. "Don't, I'm the one that didn't stop you. That is not your fault."

"I don't think I can work for you anymore Xander." She whispers, her hand still in mine. "Kail pleas-" she takes her hand away.

"I can't work for you anymore because I love you."

Kail Lowery

Xander insisted I stayed for the rest of the trip, for the sake of my health. It would have been really difficult to travel while I recover.

Plus the kids were worried about me, I didn't want to worry them more than they already were. "Since you can't walk around much we wanted to make you breakfast... But it may not be as good as your pancakes because Andre put alot of vanilla in it." Hannah tells me with those big brown eyes.

I smile sitting up from the couch. "Y'all are the sweetest." They all smile big grins, warming my heart.

They crawl up on the couch next to me as I eat. My phone begins to ring once I was done eating. Xander got me a knew phone as soon as I got out of the hospital.

I told him not to, but he insisted.

"Hello?" I question, the kids continue watching the t.v.

"Kail! How are you feeling?" Kendle asks on the other end.

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