Ch. Twenty Five

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Kail Lowery

After Xander and I picked up the kids from Bella, we headed to the restaurant to eat with his parents. I was nervous considering this was the first time I've been around then while they knew about Xander and I.

His parents have always been good to me though, I just hope they approve. Bella has been apart of their family for a long time. I have to realize that and respect it. Especially because of the kids.

Being respectful towards everyone is important. Andre and Alana held onto my hands while Hannah held Xanders. "You nervous?" I ask him as we start to walk in. "No, are you?" Of course he wasn't, I smile looking at him. "A little." He returns the smile

Once we make it to the table his parents stood from their chair with big bright smiles. Instantly being tackled by the kids. "Hey babies. We've missed you!" Mrs. King exclaimed hugging the twins tightly.

After we get the kids seated Mrs. King hugs me tightly where I only return it. "How are you sweetheart?" My eyes flutter shut. Mrs. King always had the best hugs.

I guess that's where Xander gets it from. "I'm good how are you?" She pulls away with the same bright smile. "I'm good." Mr. King gives me a small hug and we all sit down.

"So, do the kiddos know?" Mr. King asked watching the twins color on the kids menu. "Yes. We actually sat down with them a few days ago. Though Mrs Hannah somehow already knew." Xander told them.

Hannah giggled swaying in her seat. "Well how do you three feel about it?" Mrs. King asks, I sip on my drink. Though it was kind of awkward sitting down with them with Bella. It had to be done. We didn't want it to be an extreme change for them, we all decided it would be best to sit them down. Make sure they understood that we loved them that the change wasn't because of anything they did.

"Well mommy says it's important that everyone is happy. So, as long as kk, mommy and daddy are happy I'm happy." Hannah grinned at us, while the twins hummed and nodded agreeing with her.

Xander chuckled ruffling his hand through her hair. "They seem to be taking it well." He mumbled, I give Hannah a small smile before shifting my eyes back to his parents. Xander puts his hand in mine.

"Well, he already knows we weren't surprised by this, we have known for a while. I want you to know that we love you and we support both of you. Though I do think it's important you both take the time on the relationship. Don't rush anything ya know." Mrs. King tells us.

Xander rubbed my hand with his thumb. "We both agreed on that as well. Though it's weird not seeing him everyday, I think it's good for us to have that space." They both smile, Alana asks Mr King to help her with her drawing. So we started talking about how the kids were doing in school.

We then had ordered our food. The kids only wanting chicken fingers and fries. They always shared with me because they knew it was my favorite too. Even though I wouldn't order it.

"So what are you doing now for a job?" Mr King asked.

"I'm not sure. I thought about real estate. There has just been so much going on. Haven't been able to look into it much." I finally stopped working at the strip club, which in a way is a good thing. But I've got to start working or else I'll run my bank account dry.

"Oh that would definitely suit you." She spoke "that's what I said." Xander keeps his hand on my thigh through the whole night.

We talked about all kinds of things, we ended up getting on the topic of my parents. I told them some of the things that has been going on recently. They were surprised how calm I was about all of it.

We then spoke about their family. I wasn't surprised to hear that they had a big family. Even though Xander doesn't have siblings, he has a lot of cousins on both sides.

The kids started getting tired so we went back to his new house. It was absolutely beautiful. He's going to be building a swing set and tree house in the back yard for the kids. Which I thought was really sweet.

After getting them into bed, Xander and I were left alone. It's been pretty boring not having a job, I have to much time on my hands. But I couldn't decide if I wanted to do online classes to get a degree. Or just go for it and start applying.

"Thinking pretty hard over there." Xander spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. I lift my head up away from my laptop. "I just can't decide if I should do classes, the only thing my resume will say they will really only care about is how I was a baby sitter for barely a year."

He shrugs setting his phone down onto the desk. "You could just work with me." I glare at him looking back to my laptop. "Absolutely not." He chuckled walking over sitting next to me. "Why don't you just try applying for a few, then see where it goes. If it doesn't work out then look into classes."

Smiling up at him I close the laptop setting it down onto the table in front of me. "Guess I could do that."

I climb up onto his waist, moving my hands into his hair. "I'm really happy I met you Kail." He leaned his head against mine while rubbing my waist.

All the memories come flooding in. Every moment we had good or bad. It was all worth it in the end. "I'm really happy I met you Xander."

This was everything I dreamed of, but something I thought I'd never have.


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