Ch. Twenty One

407 9 1

Kail Lowery

Today I was watching the kids, I haven't heard much back from Xander. It worried me, but I was trying to stay calm. Which is hard considering what's been going on with my parents.

Before I came to watch the kids, I had called my mother to let her know I would be up at the hospital. But I needed answers from the both of them.

Hanna hasn't felt the best. So she's been sleeping while I color with Andre and Alana. It felt like forever since I seen them.

Bella seemed off this morning. She didn't speak much; just told me when Xander would be home and she wouldn't be. "Good job." Andre smiles up at me, I help him draw in the lines of the giraffe. "What should we do for dinner. Your dad will be home but mom won't be." They both shrug.

"Pizza? Your daddy loves pizza." Alana laughs elbowing her brother softly. He laughs along with her telling her to shh. "What's so funny?" I ruffle my hand through Andres hair. "How do you know everything our daddy likes?" Alana crosses her arms with a big smile.

Kids are way too smart with these types of things. "I just do. I know what you guys like." I cross my arms mimicking her. Andre giggles while coloring. "Yeah but that's because your the boss of us. Do you have a crush on daddy?"

I stiffen up uncrossing my arms. "You two are silly. And you know what time it is?" I lift my head slightly as they both sigh. "Quiet time."

"Yes. Come on let's grab the milk and head up." They both groan while standing up. I walk into the kitchen grabbing the cups pouring milk into them. They were right behind me as I walk to their rooms.

"Get in bed."

They both do as told, I hand them both their milk giving a small kiss on their heads. "I'll be back up in an hour." They both nod snuggling into their covers. As I walk back over to the door I shut the lights off. I walk over to Hanna's room checking on her. She was still passed out on her bed.

Shutting the door I go downstairs cleaning up from today; I'm honestly ready to see Xander. I miss him so much. It's not been long since we've seen each other but it feels like it's been forever. The kids haven't been here all week so the house wasn't to messy.

Once I finish up sweeping the kitchen I hear the front door open and keys jingle. It was only four he was early. "If you could get them to the lawyer sooner than later that would be great James. I'm sorry your in the middle of all of this."

The door shuts and I hear footsteps walking toward the stairs. Looking to the doorway I see James walking behind Xander. "It's fine. Your busy. I just hope this all goes as planned, especially after finding out about what she's been doing."

Their voices become quieter as they walk upstairs. I finish up a couple of things then head up the stair; his office door was cracked so I knock softly. "Yeah." His voice was soft but frustrated.

Peeking in I see him sitting at his desk with his hand on his chin and James standing with papers in his hands. "Sorry. Just wanted to let you know. Hannah still isn't feeling well. She's been sleeping most of the day." Xander sighs putting his head down. He was so stressed out. All I wanted to do was hug him.

"I'll check her temperature again. It seems to have went down. She just needs some rest I think."

"Okay. Thank you Kail. I'll be down in a bit." He forcefully leans his head up to look at me. He wasn't okay at all which only worried me more; has he changed his mind? Or did Bella do something awful. I nod closing the door softly.

I just had to be patient.

James and Xander talked in his office for almost an hour. By the time James left the kids were up and diner was already on the bar in the kitchen. Hannah felt better; considering they were all chasing each other around the bar.

Xander hasn't came down yet. The kids kept asking me to go get him. The truth was- I was scared to he seemed so stressed. But he probably needed me. Who knows what's been going on.

"What are you crazy kids doing?" I look up from the pizza watching as he walks into the kitchen. "Tag. Your it!!" Hannah yells then runs over to the dining room. Xander immediately taps Andres shoulder.

"How about you kids take that into the playroom?" All of them listen running out of the kitchen; pizza still in hands. His eyes lock to mine, my knees become weak.

I walk over to the cabinet pulling out a glass and some bourbon. "You okay?" He sighs as I pour the liquid into the glass. Turning around I hand him the glass. "How about you first." He says taking the glass then wrapping his arm around my waist.

So his mind hasn't changed then. "You sure?"

He gulps the drinks down. "Yes."

"Well, she apparently got into a car accident which is why she ended up in the hospital. But she has three months to live, oh and she went to find my father so I would have family to take care of me. He was there when I showed up." Xander widens his eyes, he then points over to the bourbon for me to grab.

I turn around grabbing it then pour it into the glass. "Well what did he say. What was his explanation."

"He didn't have one. I found a picture though, my mom kept a photo album and there was picture of him and I. It said I love you and I'm sorry. Not sure what that means. I guess I'll find out when I see him again."

His hand runs up my back rubbing softly. "What about your mom. Will you see her again?"

I look down to my hands and shrug. "I don't know. I should right? She's my mom." His finger goes underneath my chin lifting my head slightly.

"You do what makes you the most happiest. Just because she's your mom doesn't mean you have to give her chance after chance. You waited for almost what thirteen years for her to change. Go with your gut." My head leans against his.

He kisses my lips softly while rubbing my back. He always knew how to make me feel better. The kids excitement scream from the playroom makes me jump a bit. Xander pulls back and chuckles.

"So what's going on with everything? Your stressed I can tell." The both of us stiffen almost immediately from the question. He pulls away chugging down his drink pouring another then handing it to me.

I bite my lip watching his entire body language change; only making me more worried. Griping onto the glass I take a sip. The feeling of a burning sensation runs through me.

"She's stealing from my parents company. She's trying to blackmail me and my team. She's also having an affair; who also works for my company. Someone I've trusted for a very long time." My eyes widen, slowly I lean over keeping my head down. "She knows about us. She knows I'm with you."

Oh shit. How could she know that?! I mean I guess rich people always find out secrets. God I hate rich people fucking snoopy bitches. Closing my eyes I chug down the bourbon then set it in front of him. Why would she even let me back into this house?

"She's got something on you to Kail."

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