Ch. Twenty Two

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Kail Lowery

Three years ago

"Honestly how fucking stupid could you be!" Mom yells at me throwing me into the house by my arm. "I was doing it for a roof over our fucking heads mom! Something you won't do!"

"Sleeping around with random men for money. No thank you!"

"I wasn't sleeping- you know what. I don't owe you shit. If a friend want to help keep a roof over my damn head; with something in return. I'll do it! It's not like I'm working on the fucking streets. How about get off your lazy ass and do something!" She will never understand what I have had to go through.

What I have sacrificed for her! She's like my fucking child it's ridiculous. "And what about the shit you stole from the mall yesterday! Almost three thousand dollars worth. What the fuck do you need that for?!"

"Water, electric, school funds, food, clothes-"

"Just shut up Kail."

"Then fucking do something! Stop forcing me to, you do it! If you can do it so much better you do it!" I push her away from me. "Be a fucking adult. You fucking do it bitch." Before I could even control it I push her out into the yard. She falls onto the grass letting out a yell. "You can't can you!"

I ball my fist up getting on top of her hitting her straight in the face. "I'm so fucking sick of you!" I swing one punch then the other. Ignoring everything around me. I'm not sure how many punches I threw before I felt a pair of hands pull me away from her.

"Let go of me!"

"Put her in cuffs damn it!" A women yells, my body was being pulled away from her. I felt my arms being pulled behind my back. And I knew what was coming next; it was worth it.

After they took me in I was there for hours. They wouldn't tell me anything. I was in a cold room, wondering what was going to happen to me. I'm a teenager. I shouldn't be having to do the things I do.

It's not far I have to take care of myself with no help. By now I'm used to it, I've been doing it for years. Once I hear the door open I lift up my head from the table.

A man walks over to me pulling out the keys from his pocket. "Your lucky day Ms. Lowery." He takes the cuffs off putting them on his waist. "How? I get to leave?"

"Yeah your lucky you aren't going to jail. Your mom showed us the drugs in your room. But apparently you have someone who is above it all to bail you out. Better go before they change their mind." What? I was so confused but I stand up from the chair walking out of the room.

How is that possible? Of course my mother would try setting me up with her drugs. Who would have gotten me out of this?


"Why would she think I'd give a shit about that? I was fifteen. The drugs weren't even mine in the first place." He sighs chugging more bourbon. "Because she could use it against me in court. Like I said blackmail."

"Why would she even do that? If she's having an affair why does she even care?" I stand up straight crossing my arms, he keeps his eyes on the glass. "Because I found a way to get every part of the business and she found out. But now it might not even matter."

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