Ch. Twenty

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Kail Lowery

We were all silent for a bit, I'm sure they didn't know what to say. It's their own fault; they are the once that wouldn't grow up and be parents. "I'm sorry Kailbear-" I step closer uncrossing my arms. "You lost that right the minute you left. Don't you dare call me that."

"It isn't his fault Kail it's mine. I'm the one who screwed up our family. I was selfish, all I cared about was getting high. Or shit faced drunk. When I should have been taking care of my family."

"Your right mom. You were selfish. But it didn't give him an excuse to leave me behind with an addict." His head falls into his hands. Something I would always see him do as a kid. "What are you doing here anyway? The two of you aren't together."

Mom sighs looking at him. "No. We aren't. I went looking for him about a week ago, for you." I let out a small laugh turning away from them. "God that is the stupidest lie you've told."

"It's the truth sweetie." My father says, I run my hands through my hair. How do they even expect me to believe that. "Baby, I'm very sick. I went to him so that you would still have someone. In case you needed help." As if I needed anyone.

"I've taken care of myself the minute he left. Why would I need anyone now? Especially him."

"I know that baby. But if there is a time you need family then he would be there. You would know he was there. I couldn't die knowing you didn't have someone." Once the words leave her mouth I could feel the tears form. "D-die? What do you mean?"

"They gave me six months to live three months ago." I could tell she was crying, which sounds stupid but only made me want to cry. Before any of us could speak I see the door open.

"You must be Kail." I notice the name tag on her uniform. "Ye-yes ma'am." Quickly I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Have you guys had anytime to discuss what's going on?" She questions as we both walk closer to my mothers bed. The doctor begins checking the monitor. "No. Just family things." My father says looking up at her trying to keep his composure.

She takes out the blood pressure thing putting it around her arm. "I'm sure you know already. But Sandra has been drinking for a long time along with drugs. Which caused her to have a heart attack. So she ended up here in the hospital about three months ago. We found out she has cancer, liver disease and a heart disease." She stops a moment writing down her blood pressure then sits down on a chair.

"We have been doing all we can, but from the looks of it she doesn't have a lot of time. Three months at the most." She says looking at me, there comes the tears again. "I know how hard this must be. It's never easy. No matter the situation. But I want you all to know I'm doing everything I can, I'll be honest I've been doing a lot of research."

"H-how did you end up with the bruises and cu-cuts?" I ask mom keeping my eyes on the doctor. "Car accident. It was dark. And raining. I wasn't paying attention." She says, I look at her knowing it was a lie. I could hear it in her voice.

As upsetting as it was I couldn't help but think she deserved all of this.

Once I was back home I immediately crashed onto my bed. I'm so tired, but there was no way I could sleep with everything running through my head. I was more confused than ever. it's so frustrating.

As much as I wanted to see Xander, I had to push that aside. He's working hard to get the divorce finalized. Plus spending time with his kids.

Maybe I should be alone anyway. This is all a lot anyway; I told the both of them I would be back tomorrow. It's just to much to handle in one day.

There are alot of questions I have for the both of them. Even when I get the answer to why my dad left I don't think I'll ever understand completely. My entire life all I wanted was for my family to be a family; for all of us to be together.

But now I'll never get that.

I'm not sure how I'll feel after my mom dies, her and I have never had a good relationship. We definitely won't ever have one. Considering she only has three months left.

She did go and find my father for me I guess. Even though I don't need him or anyone. She thought of me besides herself. Which she has never done.

I can only hope Xander is having a better day than I am. Sitting up from the bed letting out a deep sigh. I get up from my bed going over to the closet reaching to the top for my photo album.

We didn't ever have family gatherings anything like that; I'm not even sure if I have any cousins. So there is no telling what is in this photo album. I sit down in the lounge chair opening up the book.

The first couple of pictures were of me as a baby, my mom and dad were in the hospital holding me. They looked really happy. I'm not sure what changed.

Flipping the page there were a few more of just random people I didn't know. I flip to the next page; my father was playing with me outside. It looked like at this point I was a toddler. There wasn't many of me and my mother in here.

I get further in the album there was less and less pictures of me and my father. They were either of me or other people I didn't know.

When I make it to the very last page my entire body freezes once I see the picture of my father and I. There was a space below the picture with cursive writing.

I love you and I'm sorry

Was this meant for me? I mean it had to be right. It still didn't answer anything; why he left me with her. It was heartbreaking seeing these photos seeing how happy we were.

We were an actually family.

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